>Seriously, do fast GPLer's use my technique (downshifting then heavy
>braking) or the other way around?
Somewhere inbetween, and depends on the corner I think. If you
downshift early into the braking zone you increase the risk of
toasting your engine, upset the car balance due to the increase of
engine braking, and increase the risk of locking up the rear since the
rears will have braking force and engine braking force - your brake
balance needs to take care of that. The advantage of course is
increased braking force and less to do when you actually get into the
corner proper.
Braking later gives you more to do and the engine, still turning in a
high gear, has a tendency to push you deeper into the corner as well.
Add to that the lower braking force and it looks a bad option.
Fact is that that the tyres only have so much grip and your car can
easily exceed it under braking. Whether you use that grip by braking
or by engine braking seems less important than the overall balance of
the car, so I'm sure everyone's mileage will vary. From what I've seen
some hotlappers downshift very late, while others downshift early.
FWIW I tend to do about half my shifting early, and the other half
later. At Tarzan for example I hit the brakes just past the bales on
the right, drop down to third, then just on turn in I drop down
another gear and complete the turn-in to the apex.