I have been playing around with the frame rate in GP2 and have raced
Monaco using different 'speeds'. With the game running in real time ie.
stopwatched so a 1.20 lap IS a 1:20.00 lap I cannot get within 2 seconds
of my laps when the game is running slower. With the game running so
that a 1:20.00 lap is equal to 2 real minutes my lap times get better.
Obviously this is due to the increased thinking time to plan corners and
braking points but this puts a question mark over a lot of the lap times
we are seeing on the net. Maybe everyone should put up the processor
occupancy or some other guide to differentiate between time. For a
simulation this a ridiculous state of affairs. No-one seems to be racng
on equal terms given GP2's awful way of dealing with frame rate.