to compare them easily?
Here are 4 batch files, allowing you to dump all your
setups to one file.
What else do you need?
The showstg.exe from one of the expansion packs
(output is more compact, but needs a patch to work correctly :-()
or the dmpstg.exe (author: Steve Kramp) from
How to install this stuff?
o make the batch files (cut and paste with your
favorite editor and name them correctly)
o copy the batch files to your indycar directory
o the path of this directory is assumed to be
\icr if your directory has another path, you
have to correct the batch files
(simply replace every '\icr' with your path)
o check the names.bat file:
remove the lines for the tracks that are not
installed in your tracks directory
(do a 'dir \icr\tracks' to see what you have...)
o run the 'names.bat', it should install dummy files with names
identical to the available track names in the ALLNAMES directory.
(only the filenames are used for a 'for %f in ...' command)
o if you are using the dmpstg tool from didnt.doit...
you have to change the 3rd line in 'doit.bat' to:
dmpstg tracks\%2\%1 >> all.dmp
and you may delete the 2nd line, because dmpstg prints
this information (names of track and setting) too.
o if you are using the showstg tool from Papyrus, you have
to patch it, or it will not find the 'MYSETUP.STG.stg' file,
because it ALWAYS adds a '.stg' to its setting argument :-(
Use a binary editor (For example: FILEZ) to search for
'.stg' (lowercase!) and replace it with 4 NULL-characters
(it is somewhere around offset $2b724)
You are now ready for running the 'showall.bat' whenever
you want to create a new all.dmp file in your indycar directory...
Don't forget to remove the ALLNAMES directory and run a correct 'names.bat'
after you install or delete tracks (or if you want to have a summary for
only part of your tracks) - or you can simply add/delete dummy files
with correct names in this directory.
cd \icr\tracks\%1
for %%f in (*.stg) do call \icr\doit %%f %1
cd \icr
echo %2: %1 >> all.dmp
showstg %2 %1 >> all.dmp
echo. >> all.dmp
cd \icr
del all.dmp
cd allnames
for %%f in (*) do call \icr\showsub %%f %1
mkdir \icr\allnames
cd \icr\allnames
echo. > LAGUNA
echo. > LONGBCH
echo. > MICHIGAN
echo. > MLWAUKEE
echo. > NAZARETH
echo. > NWENGLND
echo. > PORTLAND
echo. > TORONTO
echo. > CLEVLAND
echo. > PHOENIX
echo. > MIDOHIO
echo. > AUSTRAL
echo. > DETROIT
echo. > ELKHART
echo. > VANCOUVR
echo. > INDY
Have fun!
PS: If you find an easier way to do the same work, please inform me!
I'm not an expert in writing batch files... :-(
Is there a possibility to merge DOIT, SHOWSUB and SHOWALL into
one single batch file?
Is there any way to check for available tracks (= directory names)?
Having this ALLNAMES directory with dummy files in it to be able to
use the 'for ... in' is an ugly trick 8-O
How can I remove the '.STG' extension before passing the %f filename
to the showstg program? (I like to patch .EXEs, but other people
out there probably have problems doing this)