gp2 doesn`t support internet ***, but it supports 2 or more players racing,
although not at the same time. After a set period, the computer takes control
over your car, and then control is given to another person in the race. you
save the game then, and e-mail the saved file to the next person who you are
racing. This is roughly how the multiplayer sites do things.
>> I bought F1GP2 when it first came out, before I had web access. I see here
>> heaps of discussion on multiplyer but I am sure my version doesn't support
>> it. Did I miss something or did a revised version come out? Is there a
>> patch? This is all kinda irrelevant cos I'm sticking with GPL....until
>> F1GP3 that is. BTW, Ubisoft's offerings would appear to suck.....
>There is only 1 version of gp2, v1.0b (with the language variations).
>gp2 doesn`t support internet ***, but it supports 2 or more players racing,
>although not at the same time. After a set period, the computer takes control
>over your car, and then control is given to another person in the race. you
>save the game then, and e-mail the saved file to the next person who you are
>racing. This is roughly how the multiplayer sites do things.
Keep your eyes open,
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When everything else failed, we can still become im-
mortal by making an enormous blunder....
John Kenneth Galbraith