(just click register later)
(just click register later)
Utterly ridiculous, but I expected no better from FIA, as usual they
show a complete lack of understanding of what F1 racing is about, it's
not a ***y IROC race
It's man and machine against the track and other men and machines, the
driver/team who does best wins, Ferrari/MS has clearly bean the best
combo these past couple of seasons and it's up to the other teams to
make sure this doesn't continue
What FIA should concentrate on is making it easier to race close
together on the track so that overtaking is actually possible
It's not FIA's responsibility to level the field performance wise, that
is a natural cycle that has been going on as long as F1 has existed, it
IS however their responsibility to improve the racing so that an F1 race
could be considered more than a chess match once you have cars that are
somewhat equal in performance, these days the only way to beat a similar
performing car is to beat them on strategy as overtaking is neigh on
impossible, yet I see nothing in this proposal that will seriously cut
into the Aerodynamic performance of the cars even though everyone agrees
that this is the reason why overtaking is so difficult
Bernie is a business man, he will understand eventually when his income
drops off as more and more people can't be bothered to watch the race on
Sundays, Max on the other hand is probably too thick, how that man has
managed to be in the position he has all these years is beyond me
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"The Pits" http://www.racesimcentral.net/
"A man is only as old as the woman he feels"
--Groucho Marx--
Maybe because he was the lawyer of......BERNIE !!!
> Max on the other hand is probably too thick, how that man has
> > managed to be in the position he has all these years is beyond me
> Maybe because he was the lawyer of......BERNIE !!!
So why the other parts of FIA is happy to have Max in place is beyond
me, it's starting to remind me of the Ballestre days
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"The Pits" http://www.theuspits.com/
"A man is only as old as the woman he feels"
--Groucho Marx--
Haha the "drivers swapping cars every race" thing is funny :0)
Someone on some forum somewhere suggested that all bodywork be brought
in-board of the inside edge of the tyres. That would limit wing widths and
reduce downforce without having to get too technical, seemed like a good
idea to me.
What the *** are they thinking?!?!?!? I can understand 1-3, 5, and the
computer issue in 9 - they could remove traction control and automatics
again that way...6 is stupid, 8 is worse, 7 is worse still...and
finally...number four....
Reduce the downforce, increase the grip and get rid of traction
control etc. Like everyone keeps saying. Everyone except the people
who have the power to do something about it, that is...
The GPL Scrapyard: http://www.btinternet.com/~gplscrapyard
Bits'n'Bob-stones: http://www.geocities.com/daveb75
See also http://groups.yahoo.com/group/watershipdown
1 Driver swapping drivers race every car on the grid during the course of a
WHAT?? Why have teams? That bad for any type of racing, even one make
4 Success ballast a penalty of 1kg in ballast weight per point scored during
So at the end of the year the cars will weigh 1500kg? Once again this is the
permier class which means highest technology, not that shit
6 Aerodynamic freeze from 2003 only two sets of bodywork can be homologated
at the start of the season.
As i said above.... This isnt CART or IRL, they are prototype cars that are
under constant improvement
7 Long-life engines one engine per weekend in 2003, one engine per four
races in 2004, and one engine per eight in 2005.
This isnt so bad but it will tone the engines down, but that makes a bit of
9 Standardised parts all teams would have to use standardised electronics,
ECUs, brakes and fixed ballast.
Have i mentioned that this is the permier motorsport class that should have
the highest technology? :)
What i say to do is: (So you better listen bernie ;) )
Bring back active suspension etc!
Brink back slicks
Bring back any high technology, automatics, abs, traction control,
whatever.. its sposed to be high tech :)
Reduce the downforce
Basically reduce aerodynamic grip and increase the "physical" grip, and
bring back the technology
Cool Hand Luke
Also might i add that if this goes through i can see the manufactures
pulling out like in World Superbikes.. wouldnt that be grand
Well he made Max only in F1, first he was Bernie's Lawyer, then FIA's
lawyer, and when they got rid of Balestre he was made FIA's boss, in fact
he's Bernie's best ally, they probably have a 50-50 deal for the rights, and
so FIA sells the TV right to...Bernie, without any other company in
concurrency, for the ridiculous sum of 100 million $ for 99 years, yes 100
MILLION, in 2000 alone he got more than 600 million out of it...
VERY easy, you forbid the overtaking in the pits !!! as simple as that.
And how do you do that ?
Well you have 2 ways :
1) You forbid the pits during the race, or you make the change so long that
you don't WANT to go there (maybe 5 screws per wheel and only 1 mechanic)
unbless you have a puncture, fuel supply are FORBIDDEN.
2) You keep the same circus as now, but you time the cars at the ENTRANCE of
the pits and ALL the cars have to spend a minimum time of say 30 seconds in
the pits, so EVERYBODY spends the same time in the pits and nobody passes
Of course option 1 would be more interesting because it would add an idea of
"keeping your car in good shape" to finish the race properly, a bit like
bike races where if you xill your tires at the beggining of the race you are
in the shit at the end of the race...
The first ever pinball ezboard !!
This would be funny, if it wasn't so pathetic.
> http://www.autosport.com/newsitem.asp?id=20922&s=5
> (just click register later)
> :-O
> Ash
> http://www.siroccoracing.com
> In the long and sordid history of the FIA, this has to rank as the
> single most ludicrous load of old codswallops ever proposed. When I got
> the Autosport email and went to the site, I thought it might have been
> an April Fool's joke. Then I remembered it was October. If Max Moseley
> is trying to out-stupid his father, he's definitely going about it the
> right way. Hell, why not save a TON of expense, and put all the drivers
> in Formula 440 cars on a kart track? Oh... I forgot: CART already has
> THAT idea locked up.
> This would be funny, if it wasn't so pathetic.
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"The Pits" http://www.theuspits.com/
"A man is only as old as the woman he feels"
--Groucho Marx--
> > In the long and sordid history of the FIA, this has to rank as the
> > single most ludicrous load of old codswallops ever proposed. When I got
> > the Autosport email and went to the site, I thought it might have been
> > an April Fool's joke. Then I remembered it was October. If Max Moseley
> > is trying to out-stupid his father, he's definitely going about it the
> > right way. Hell, why not save a TON of expense, and put all the drivers
> > in Formula 440 cars on a kart track? Oh... I forgot: CART already has
> > THAT idea locked up.
> > This would be funny, if it wasn't so pathetic.
> "codswallops" ?
> codswallop = rubbish
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"The Pits" http://www.theuspits.com/
"A man is only as old as the woman he feels"
--Groucho Marx--
>> codswallop = rubbish
> Okay, I kinda figured that was the general meaning :-), but is that an
> actual term that describes something specific and then got "translated"
> over to meaning rubbish, like "bullshit" ?
What is the origin of the word 'codswallop'?
The story goes that a gentleman by the name of Hiram Codd patented a
bottle for fizzy drinks with a marble in the neck, which kept the
bottle shut by pressure of the gas until it was pressed
inwards. Wallop was a slang term for beer, and Codd's wallop came to
be used by beer drinkers as a derogatory term for weak or gassy beer,
or for soft drinks.
This theory has appeared in Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable,
but there are problems with it. Codswallop is not recorded until the
mid-20th century, rather a long time after Codd's invention, and there
are no examples of the spelling Codd's wallop, which might be expected
as an early form. These are not conclusive disproof of the theory -
it is conceivable that the term circulated by word of mouth, like many
slang terms, and that the connection with Codd's bottle had been
forgotten by the time that the term was written down - but they do
shed doubt on the tale.
anyway, it's a word that i haven't used/heard in ages. no doubt this
weekend it'll be in frequent use.
dr martin.