Well SimRacer, the TSW2 was ok but remember I use my hands for
gas-brake and the TSW2 seemed to be a little 'clunky-ish' big for me.
Now you have to remember I have limited space & my Ferrari wheel
just works perfectly for my needs.
On FF verses Non'FF, One would have been here a year before my
Ferrari but since I must have gas-brake paddles it was awhile before
the TM Ferrari came out, but once it did, it's Aces for me! I cut my
PB GPL times at least a sec on each track in a week... So this dude
will never go back to Non'FF as the FF lets me feel more of what I
would expect to feel in a real car or at least it fools me too!..lol :)
So the TSW2 is fine but the FF & the Ferrari Wheel cant be beat in
my book!! I actually now have one I use and one always in the box
just in case the one I'm using now goes on the blink!! and yes I am
obcessive.. :)
Happy Labor Day 2 U 2 & 2 all the others that celebrate it 2 :)
Cheers -Thom_j.
| Just curious as to why you don't run your TSW any longer? Lack of FF? I
| it to be the smoothest wheel I have ever used short of that found in a
| Park Ave ULTRA or a Caddy, lol. I have sowrn off FF, just a personal
| I never found it (FF) to be that good in the Papy line anyway, which is my
| primary focus with racing sims. I gave it a fair shot though, had my LWFF
| for about 9 months of hard use.
| I still like the Thrustmaster line (regardless of who makes them) I guess
| goes to back to my first wheel being that old Thrusty T2. After driving N1
| for 2 weeks with the keyboard, that wheel was like a gift from the
| heavens...one of my league mates is still using that T2 with a 3rd set of
| pots and a 3rd bungy.
| Have a great Labor Day
| Sim
| > I'm sorry Simracer for being the one to break it to the poor guy but
| > you must admit I did tell him there were $80+ jobbers too! haha :)
| > Since you are giving your "I have" wheel info out I will too.. I have
| > the Thrustmaster aka Guillemot FFB Ferrari Race Wheel & love it!
| > I beat the ***out of it too and I have burnt one out in a year.. All
| > I did was call "Guillemot" and got a brand new one with the return
| > of my oldie.. Not bad...eh?? and they are only about $130 USD :)
| > P.S. My old ones were TM GP1 & Sprint +a TSW2 momo wheel
| >
| > | Now Thom, don't scare him like that! My TSW2 Cup even after adding the
| > | split-axis was still less than $500...barely. LOL
| > |
| > | Back OT though, I have used Thrustmaster (T2) and Logitech (LWFF)
| > in
| > | the past and they were ok, but twere I looking for what I call a
| > "consumer"
| > | level wheel today I would look at the Act-Labs units. I'd probably get
| > their
| > | Force RS and just not use the FF, I hear the wheel itself is fairly
| smooth
| > | and FF being a "taste" thing that I don't have a taste for any longer.
| > |
| > | Just do yourself a favor and follow your instincts, you will need a
| wheel
| > to
| > | really enjoy those software titles.
| > |
| > | Simracer
| >
| > | > Phil makes a good point. You can go about as high as $1000 for a
| > | > TSW wheel or as low as about $80+ for an MS or TM etc. wheel.
| > | > Try to look at the time you'll use it for now and move from there!
| > | > Bottom line: Get the most bang for the $buck$ in what you need!!
| > | > Good luck.. -Thom_j.
| > | >
| >
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