RAS with the nerve to question DN's motives and be so rude as to
demand an explanation. Damndest display of dishourable sponges I think
I've ever had the displeasure of witnessing. About the same as getting
peeved at one of your friends for asking for some help with the gas
money after giving you a ride. You may just owe him alot more than
he's asking for.
Unless DN is under some covert contract from someone with very deep
pockets, he will *never* be appropriately compensated for the work he
has done for all of the GPL community, not even close. Have any of you
who have questioned DN ever hired a programmer -- they don't come
Don't you wonder why they do it? Why did Larry Holbert write VROC? I
never see or hear about them being active racers, why would they
bother? For those of you that don't know: It's a hell of a lot of work
to produce these things. Instead of***ing around with a track or
utility for us they could be on the clock making money for
themseleves. I'm very curious and I'd absolutely love for an
could do -- I'm sure there must be some interesting stories there.
The motives of some of the people who have made great contributions to
GPL are more obvious. It seems to me the GPLEA guys -- and all the
others I can think of at the moment -- do it because they love GPL.
Can this be said for LH or DN? I never see evidence that they
participate. Ever in VROC? Listed on GPLRank?
I don't understand how you people cannot help but hold a genuine
appreciation for each and every one of the people who have contributed
to the GPL community.
That BS with the French site is pathetic, it has nothing to do with
legalities -- it was just plain un-cool to do that. We all owe DN
better. I've never met him, but DN is a very good friend of mine.
Cut him some slack, he sure as hell has been good to you.