How is the "Sim-Racing" community been holding up? I just downloaded
the video and all the screenshots, "all I have to say is hold on to your pants
Race Fans!" Yes, you may know what I'm talking about, Nascar 3! October will be
an early Christmas for most of us. This will be the most ranouned simulation
ever made. For good performance out of the highly developed game, you can
exspect it will need a "Hot-System" to run on (400PII-550PIII) processers for
maximum performance. By October I exspect prices to drop on P-II's with the
onset of the P3's. If you have a low-end system right now, a 400 in the near
future should be affordable.
*Let's get down to the big skinny on this*
First I wanna thank Jon from the Pit's, Jman from SR, Ryan from the "Jag's N2
page" and Derick! The most help from the get go about 2 years ago, helped me
alot with www tech.
You may remember ? yeah,
"Scoreboard's Nascar 3" I was hammered alot back then for making a site for a
game that wasn't in exsistance *YET* even with the cridicism the site was
popular for what ever reasons. Well, it's been about 8 months since my server
droped on the Games Tournament's Network. Well, ** will be
showcased soon. With the onslot of Papyrus's previews, I think this would be a
good time to start work on the site. Right now I'm in the process of buying a
new system. Once I get the system online, my two hobby's will be maintaining a, <--my CO is maintaining that site, if interested,". and also making Scoreboard's Nascar 3. I plan to get alot of
promo from Papyrus on this (Hopefully).
-Mark Reschke