You should include your machine spec with that comment like that.
I have everything pegged at 1024x768 w/20 bikes and experience no
slowdown. Athlon XP 1900, 512meg of RAM, and GeForce 4 Ti4200.
I'll try 1280x1024 eventually, but I start at 1024 with all sims
because I prefer a glass-smooth frame rate over visuals.
After messing with the demo some more, one of the things I don't care
for is the controller configuration screen. After all this time, and
the amount of times its been done right, you'd think everyone would
just have you highlight a game action and click the appropriate button
or move appropriate axis to assign it.
This game does it in reverse -you pick a button, and then click on
what you want it to do. Probably wouldn't be all that bad, but I can't
seem to assign some buttons to the actions I want because they're
grayed out.
MotoGP2 also shows its console roots in the same way as some of the
Codemasters games in that you can't navigate the menus with the mouse.
I can deal with this, but I can also understand why it irritates a lot
of people.
I'm still hooked on it though. I went out to get it today, but the
place near me doesn't have it yet. Hope to snag it during the week.