I haven't been running N4 with my AMD chip cooked. But I tried it out
with the ol Piii 500 a week or so ago...with little practice I joined a race
at C***te(Lowes) Early on I clipped the infield comming off of turn 4
and looped the car 180 degrees. Got going with some damage but now already
off the pace. After a time I caught another damaged car but in trying to
pass I looped again in the same place and came to rest facing the leaders
bearing down on me. Fortunately the pack cleared my backwards car and I
got off the racing line and limped back to the pits...but...if the leader
had tagged me while I was helpless on the wall....It could have EASILY
looked like I was waiting for him.
Here is the hurdle newbies face when joining ranked races. Everyone says
practice offline. But if I do, then I lose the oportunity to increase my
rankings above zero. It is getting more difficult to find open races that
aren't passworded or a Superspeedway. (btw..I did gain a few points in that
C***te race)
so I took the chance and brought my shakey driving with my 'puter only
managing about 23fps online. It could have been a disaster. But
fortunately, this time...nobody got banned or wrecked by me.
dave henrie
> Speak for yourself, I don't think on even my worse day, anything I do,
> be a reason for banning. Yes I have pulled a skinner before, but believe
> it would have only happened while racing very close for several laps. I
> don't think Papy is going after "racing wrecks", but rather the guys that
> never get up to speed from wrecking over and over again.
> --
> Kevin Anderson
> > I am starting this thread because I would like to talk about this from a
> > General point of view. Not based on the incident in the thread before
> > this.
> > Personally, I like what Papy is trying to do, but I really do not like
> > way they are executing it.
> > We have all had bad days while racing. We have all made mistakes that
> > someone of a neutral party looked at the replays, they may take it as
> > intentional wrecking.
> > I personally do not want to race under the "threat" of being banned for
> > mistake.
> > The way they are approaching the matter right now is pure black and
> > The problem is, most incidents are not just black and white. In most
> cases
> > it is someone trying to do one thing, the other trying to do something
> else
> > and unfortunately they clash. The problem is, neither was trying to
> > the other but I bet if you look at the replay it will definately look
> > one persons fault.
> > Heck, just look at a real WC race.. last nights race for example. There
> > were a whole bunch of accidents. I forget who it was, but there was one
> > last night where they came out of turn 4 and one of the cars just
> up
> > and punted the other in the back left of the car. Do you think it was
> > intentional? Heck no, but it would sure look that way.
> > Now, as I said.. everyone makes mistakes. However the constant
> of
> > those horrible mistakes is the problem. That is why I truely believe
> there
> > should be some sort of warning system involved.
> > Maybe set it up so you get a warning the first time something like this
> > happens. They can just put your CD-Key in a list and when you log on it
> > tells you that you have a warning. If you go 30 days without any other
> > problem, it automatically removes you from that list.
> > If you have another problem within the 30 days "probation period" then
> > are banned. Maybe have it ban you for 30 days. If after your CD-Key
> > re-instated, if you are banned again, it is permanent
> > I know that some of you say "go buy another game". Give me a break.
> Sure,
> > I could afford to go out and buy another one, but not everyone can. Try
> > looking at it from others view. I have been poor enough in my life
> I
> > could not even afford a color tv and where I had to s***together money
> to
> > go buy a loaf of bread. Some people are not as well off as you are.
> > not use the argument about "how did they get the computer" Who knows,
> there
> > are a million ways. Do not persume to know everyone elses situation.