In your header you refer to the set in question as "CART96," but your
message calls it "CARS96," so I'm inclined to believe you renamed the set
CARS96 and named the subdirectory within c:\icr2\cars as such without
renaming CART96.DAT to CARS96.DAT. The same problem applies for CART95.
I don't know why Jed still hasn't updated this yet, but the CART96 set The
Pits has is a sorry version which pirates CART95 while claiming not to know
who did it originally and excludes Eliseo Salazar in favor of Buzz Calkins,
even though Buzz hasn't even so much as suggested he may run any
CART/IndyCar events.
The real thing (still preliminary, but much less so than the one in
question, and not sloppily done) is at