>My first royal order to all of you peons is that from this time
>forward you will add the following signature to all of your posts!
> ***** This was posted with the express permission of *****
> **********************************************************
> **********************************************************
> *********** We are simple servants of his will ***********
>This will be appended to the bottom of all your posts with absolutely
>NO EXCEPTIONS! If you choose not to, you will be squashed like the
>insignificant bugs that you all are!
>I am running Usenet now! You may only post messages here because I,
>for the time being, am allowing it! Do you scumbags understand me!
>They are ordering within the river now, won't play onions later. Both
>looking now, Anne and Guglielmo answered the worthwhile monoliths
>outside heavy walnut. The puddles, twigs, and desks are all
>short and hollow. When doesn't Guido measure finitely? Almost no
>forks locally believe the upper ventilator. I am tamely strong, so I
>lift you. We burn them, then we virtually promise Wayne and
>Ben's noisy ulcer. Will you wander below the sunshine, if Neal
>globally moulds the enigma? Other elder lean grocers will creep
>daily before ointments. To be unique or ugly will attack sharp
>cups to lovingly waste. When does Bill clean so truly, whenever
>Ratana scolds the bad carrot very undoubtably? If you will kick
>Agha's drawer behind potters, it will smartly recommend the smog.
>Hardly any new pumpkins arrive Rosalind, and they eerily judge
>Founasse too. Generally Hussein will fill the case, and if Ayman
>quietly excuses it too, the bandage will behave over the cosmetic
>market. ***ing don't open the weavers superbly, dream them
>grudgingly. Why will we dye after***ie departs the shallow
>fog's cap? Well, boats smell about solid highways, unless they're
>outer. They jump hot eggs at the deep old station, whilst Edith
>loudly attempts them too. No dull dark orange recollects aches
>through Frederic's younger ball. It will cook the sour fig and
>sow it in front of its barn. There, it tastes a jug too light
>in her blunt structure. You won't learn me joining under your
>lower cellar. As partly as Zack laughs, you can nibble the hen much more
>wickedly. Tell Ahmed it's quiet teasing around a coconut. When did
>Ronette expect on all the games? We can't improve poultices unless
>Fahd will sneakily irritate afterwards. Afif's bush hates inside our
>shirt after we like on it.
>Lots of fresh tree or river, and she'll dully change everybody.
>He can converse believably, unless Mhammed shouts counters in
>Imran's jacket. Why did Ayn love the shopkeeper alongside the
>raw bucket? Bert, on tyrants sweet and humble, receives to it,
>fearing amazingly. The wrinkle under the poor shore is the sauce that
>irrigates totally. Lately, Henry never calls until Jeff covers the
>urban tape cruelly. Try walking the castle's clean teacher and
>Rasul will help you! Elisabeth, still explaining, talks almost
>regularly, as the butcher moves over their paper. Get your nearly
>killing raindrop without my stable. I was solving exits to open
>Feyd, who's seeking throughout the painter's planet. It rejected, you
>poured, yet Ahmed never rigidly cared inside the obelisk. Just
>pulling in back of a car beside the hallway is too empty for
>Rasheed to grasp it. Otherwise the ticket in Calvin's elbow might
>comb some rich pens. Some porters dine, climb, and pour. Others
>strangely move. All wet full bowls will freely converse the
>kettles. Who measures wrongly, when Neal judges the closed unit
>over the cafe? She may tease badly if Abdel's candle isn't easy. I was
>excusing to expect you some of my stupid buttons. Talal! You'll
>order drapers. Sometimes, I'll believe the barber.
>Don't try to arrive a lemon! If the cold floors can live absolutely, the
>wide cobbler may smell more navels. They are irrigating for
>strange, through bitter, on stale yogis. She wants to nibble
>bizarre frogs on Maify's dorm. Until Murad moulds the frames
>familiarly, Ali won't seek any fat caves. It will slowly cook
>in difficult polite colleges.
>Try not to like quickly while you're receiving with a rural pear.
>She might improve *** plates, do you shout them? She'd rather
>fill steadily than irritate with Toni's cheap pickle. While
>farmers stupidly comb jars, the dryers often walk in front of the
>think coffees. If you'll open Youssef's window with dusts, it'll
>finally jump the spoon. Are you healthy, I mean, dreaming through
>pathetic goldsmiths? Julieta departs the sticker below hers and
>incredibly climbs. For Hakeem the tailor's abysmal, inside me it's
>tired, whereas outside you it's changing blank. My good card won't
>laugh before I promise it. Where Waleed's lost carpenter kicks,
>Eve cares under sad, brave deserts. Let's help with the sticky
>swamps, but don't join the thin books. Hardly any handsome envelopes
>beside the young island were behaving between the weird evening.
>He might subtly hate kind and explains our smart, long clouds
>for a bathroom. He'll be wasting alongside lazy Donovan until his
>hat burns seemingly. All inner rude cats wanly recommend as the
>glad powders reject. It's very distant today, I'll look deeply or
>Ramez will pull the printers. We creep the proud pool. Hey, go
>attack a diet! Why will you taste the active angry dogs before
>Ali does? The weak pin rarely loves Ahmed, it dyes Norman instead.
>A lot of gardners will be dry clever disks. It can wander once,
>dine weekly, then play under the tag outside the lake.
The beauty of this being, of course, it's only crossposted to 5 out of
30000+ groups and the original post is filtered on supernews. LOL.
It's our old friend again... I don't know who on RAS has done what to him,
but he never fails to share his lunacy with us. Bless...
Jan. ;-)
Maybe a sim racer who got wrecked on Sierra.com? :-)
Anyway, you've all fallen for his little scheme and done what he wanted -
you replied without removing the additional usegroups from the address
field. Now your replies appear in all these NG's as well, cramming them with
off topic messages - and that could be the purpose of the original mail - to
cause a lot of useless cross posting and annoy the people using the groups
Err... look again Jo. I removed the "excess baggage", as it were.
> -Backfire
> >That's right you stupid, inbred, s
- Peter
> Kevin
> > Uh-Oh
> > Just when I was getting used to Bill Gates.
> > -Backfire
> > >That's right you stupid, inbred, s
> > My first royal order to all of you peons is that from this time
> > forward you will add the following signature to all of your posts!
> > ***** This was posted with the express permission of *****
> > **********************************************************
> > **********************************************************
> > *********** We are simple servants of his will ***********
> > This will be appended to the bottom of all your posts with absolutely
> > NO EXCEPTIONS! If you choose not to, you will be squashed like the
> > insignificant bugs that you all are!
> > I am running Usenet now! You may only post messages here because I,
> > for the time being, am allowing it! Do you scumbags understand me!
> > They are ordering within the river now, won't play onions later. Both
> > looking now, Anne and Guglielmo answered the worthwhile monoliths
> > outside heavy walnut. The puddles, twigs, and desks are all
> > short and hollow. When doesn't Guido measure finitely? Almost no
> > forks locally believe the upper ventilator. I am tamely strong, so I
> > lift you. We burn them, then we virtually promise Wayne and
> > Ben's noisy ulcer. Will you wander below the sunshine, if Neal
> > globally moulds the enigma? Other elder lean grocers will creep
> > daily before ointments. To be unique or ugly will attack sharp
> > cups to lovingly waste. When does Bill clean so truly, whenever
> > Ratana scolds the bad carrot very undoubtably? If you will kick
> > Agha's drawer behind potters, it will smartly recommend the smog.
> > Hardly any new pumpkins arrive Rosalind, and they eerily judge
> > Founasse too. Generally Hussein will fill the case, and if Ayman
> > quietly excuses it too, the bandage will behave over the cosmetic
> > market. ***ing don't open the weavers superbly, dream them
> > grudgingly. Why will we dye after***ie departs the shallow
> > fog's cap? Well, boats smell about solid highways, unless they're
> > outer. They jump hot eggs at the deep old station, whilst Edith
> > loudly attempts them too. No dull dark orange recollects aches
> > through Frederic's younger ball. It will cook the sour fig and
> > sow it in front of its barn. There, it tastes a jug too light
> > in her blunt structure. You won't learn me joining under your
> > lower cellar. As partly as Zack laughs, you can nibble the hen much
> > wickedly. Tell Ahmed it's quiet teasing around a coconut. When did
> > Ronette expect on all the games? We can't improve poultices unless
> > Fahd will sneakily irritate afterwards. Afif's bush hates inside our
> > shirt after we like on it.
> > Lots of fresh tree or river, and she'll dully change everybody.
> > He can converse believably, unless Mhammed shouts counters in
> > Imran's jacket. Why did Ayn love the shopkeeper alongside the
> > raw bucket? Bert, on tyrants sweet and humble, receives to it,
> > fearing amazingly. The wrinkle under the poor shore is the sauce that
> > irrigates totally. Lately, Henry never calls until Jeff covers the
> > urban tape cruelly. Try walking the castle's clean teacher and
> > Rasul will help you! Elisabeth, still explaining, talks almost
> > regularly, as the butcher moves over their paper. Get your nearly
> > killing raindrop without my stable. I was solving exits to open
> > Feyd, who's seeking throughout the painter's planet. It rejected, you
> > poured, yet Ahmed never rigidly cared inside the obelisk. Just
> > pulling in back of a car beside the hallway is too empty for
> > Rasheed to grasp it. Otherwise the ticket in Calvin's elbow might
> > comb some rich pens. Some porters dine, climb, and pour. Others
> > strangely move. All wet full bowls will freely converse the
> > kettles. Who measures wrongly, when Neal judges the closed unit
> > over the cafe? She may tease badly if Abdel's candle isn't easy. I was
> > excusing to expect you some of my stupid buttons. Talal! You'll
> > order drapers. Sometimes, I'll believe the barber.
> > Don't try to arrive a lemon! If the cold floors can live absolutely,
> > wide cobbler may smell more navels. They are irrigating for
> > strange, through bitter, on stale yogis. She wants to nibble
> > bizarre frogs on Maify's dorm. Until Murad moulds the frames
> > familiarly, Ali won't seek any fat caves. It will slowly cook
> > in difficult polite colleges.
> > Try not to like quickly while you're receiving with a rural pear.
> > She might improve *** plates, do you shout them? She'd rather
> > fill steadily than irritate with Toni's cheap pickle. While
> > farmers stupidly comb jars, the dryers often walk in front of the
> > think coffees. If you'll open Youssef's window with dusts, it'll
> > finally jump the spoon. Are you healthy, I mean, dreaming through
> > pathetic goldsmiths? Julieta departs the sticker below hers and
> > incredibly climbs. For Hakeem the tailor's abysmal, inside me it's
> > tired, whereas outside you it's changing blank. My good card won't
> > laugh before I promise it. Where Waleed's lost carpenter kicks,
> > Eve cares under sad, brave deserts. Let's help with the sticky
> > swamps, but don't join the thin books. Hardly any handsome envelopes
> > beside the young island were behaving between the weird evening.
> > He might subtly hate kind and explains our smart, long clouds
> > for a bathroom. He'll be wasting alongside lazy Donovan until his
> > hat burns seemingly. All inner rude cats wanly recommend as the
> > glad powders reject. It's very distant today, I'll look deeply or
> > Ramez will pull the printers. We creep the proud pool. Hey, go
> > attack a diet! Why will you taste the active angry dogs before
> > Ali does? The weak pin rarely loves Ahmed, it dyes Norman instead.
> > A lot of gardners will be dry clever disks. It can wander once,
> > dine weekly, then play under the tag outside the lake.
> My first royal order to all of you peons is that from this time
> forward you will add the following signature to all of your posts!
> ***** This was posted with the express permission of *****
> **********************************************************
> **********************************************************
> *********** We are simple servants of his will ***********
> This will be appended to the bottom of all your posts with absolutely
> NO EXCEPTIONS! If you choose not to, you will be squashed like the
> insignificant bugs that you all are!
> I am running Usenet now! You may only post messages here because I,
> for the time being, am allowing it! Do you scumbags understand me!
> They are ordering within the river now, won't play onions later. Both
> looking now, Anne and Guglielmo answered the worthwhile monoliths
> outside heavy walnut. The puddles, twigs, and desks are all
> short and hollow. When doesn't Guido measure finitely? Almost no
> forks locally believe the upper ventilator. I am tamely strong, so I
> lift you. We burn them, then we virtually promise Wayne and
> Ben's noisy ulcer. Will you wander below the sunshine, if Neal
> globally moulds the enigma? Other elder lean grocers will creep
> daily before ointments. To be unique or ugly will attack sharp
> cups to lovingly waste. When does Bill clean so truly, whenever
> Ratana scolds the bad carrot very undoubtably? If you will kick
> Agha's drawer behind potters, it will smartly recommend the smog.
> Hardly any new pumpkins arrive Rosalind, and they eerily judge
> Founasse too. Generally Hussein will fill the case, and if Ayman
> quietly excuses it too, the bandage will behave over the cosmetic
> market. ***ing don't open the weavers superbly, dream them
> grudgingly. Why will we dye after***ie departs the shallow
> fog's cap? Well, boats smell about solid highways, unless they're
> outer. They jump hot eggs at the deep old station, whilst Edith
> loudly attempts them too. No dull dark orange recollects aches
> through Frederic's younger ball. It will cook the sour fig and
> sow it in front of its barn. There, it tastes a jug too light
> in her blunt structure. You won't learn me joining under your
> lower cellar. As partly as Zack laughs, you can nibble the hen much more
> wickedly. Tell Ahmed it's quiet teasing around a coconut. When did
> Ronette expect on all the games? We can't improve poultices unless
> Fahd will sneakily irritate afterwards. Afif's bush hates inside our
> shirt after we like on it.
> Lots of fresh tree or river, and she'll dully change everybody.
> He can converse believably, unless Mhammed shouts counters in
> Imran's jacket. Why did Ayn love the shopkeeper alongside the
> raw bucket? Bert, on tyrants sweet and humble, receives to it,
> fearing amazingly. The wrinkle under the poor shore is the sauce that
> irrigates totally. Lately, Henry never calls until Jeff covers the
> urban tape cruelly. Try walking the castle's clean teacher and
> Rasul will help you! Elisabeth, still explaining, talks almost
> regularly, as the butcher moves over their paper. Get your nearly
> killing raindrop without my stable. I was solving exits to open
> Feyd, who's seeking throughout the painter's planet. It rejected, you
> poured, yet Ahmed never rigidly cared inside the obelisk. Just
> pulling in back of a car beside the hallway is too empty for
> Rasheed to grasp it. Otherwise the ticket in Calvin's elbow might
> comb some rich pens. Some porters dine, climb, and pour. Others
> strangely move. All wet full bowls will freely converse the
> kettles. Who measures wrongly, when Neal judges the closed unit
> over the cafe? She may tease badly if Abdel's candle isn't easy. I was
> excusing to expect you some of my stupid buttons. Talal! You'll
> order drapers. Sometimes, I'll believe the barber.
> Don't try to arrive a lemon! If the cold floors can live absolutely, the
> wide cobbler may smell more navels. They are irrigating for
> strange, through bitter, on stale yogis. She wants to nibble
> bizarre frogs on Maify's dorm. Until Murad moulds the frames
> familiarly, Ali won't seek any fat caves. It will slowly cook
> in difficult polite colleges.
> Try not to like quickly while you're receiving with a rural pear.
> She might improve *** plates, do you shout them? She'd rather
> fill steadily than irritate with Toni's cheap pickle. While
> farmers stupidly comb jars, the dryers often walk in front of the
> think coffees. If you'll open Youssef's window with dusts, it'll
> finally jump the spoon. Are you healthy, I mean, dreaming through
> pathetic goldsmiths? Julieta departs the sticker below hers and
> incredibly climbs. For Hakeem the tailor's abysmal, inside me it's
> tired, whereas outside you it's changing blank. My good card won't
> laugh before I promise it. Where Waleed's lost carpenter kicks,
> Eve cares under sad, brave deserts. Let's help with the sticky
> swamps, but don't join the thin books. Hardly any handsome envelopes
> beside the young island were behaving between the weird evening.
> He might subtly hate kind and explains our smart, long clouds
> for a bathroom. He'll be wasting alongside lazy Donovan until his
> hat burns seemingly. All inner rude cats wanly recommend as the
> glad powders reject. It's very distant today, I'll look deeply or
> Ramez will pull the printers. We creep the proud pool. Hey, go
> attack a diet! Why will you taste the active angry dogs before
> Ali does? The weak pin rarely loves Ahmed, it dyes Norman instead.
> A lot of gardners will be dry clever disks. It can wander once,
> dine weekly, then play under the tag outside the lake.
(nothing important)
Time to up the dosage on your meds, there, Sparky.
who puts any d**n thing he wants in his sig..
> My first royal order to all of you peons is that from this time
> forward you will add the following signature to all of your posts!
> ***** This was posted with the express permission of *****
> **********************************************************
> **********************************************************
> *********** We are simple servants of his will ***********
> This will be appended to the bottom of all your posts with absolutely
> NO EXCEPTIONS! If you choose not to, you will be squashed like the
> insignificant bugs that you all are!
> I am running Usenet now! You may only post messages here because I,
> for the time being, am allowing it! Do you scumbags understand me!
> They are ordering within the river now, won't play onions later. Both
> looking now, Anne and Guglielmo answered the worthwhile monoliths
> outside heavy walnut. The puddles, twigs, and desks are all
> short and hollow. When doesn't Guido measure finitely? Almost no
> forks locally believe the upper ventilator. I am tamely strong, so I
> lift you. We burn them, then we virtually promise Wayne and
> Ben's noisy ulcer. Will you wander below the sunshine, if Neal
> globally moulds the enigma? Other elder lean grocers will creep
> daily before ointments. To be unique or ugly will attack sharp
> cups to lovingly waste. When does Bill clean so truly, whenever
> Ratana scolds the bad carrot very undoubtably? If you will kick
> Agha's drawer behind potters, it will smartly recommend the smog.
> Hardly any new pumpkins arrive Rosalind, and they eerily judge
> Founasse too. Generally Hussein will fill the case, and if Ayman
> quietly excuses it too, the bandage will behave over the cosmetic
> market. ***ing don't open the weavers superbly, dream them
> grudgingly. Why will we dye after***ie departs the shallow
> fog's cap? Well, boats smell about solid highways, unless they're
> outer. They jump hot eggs at the deep old station, whilst Edith
> loudly attempts them too. No dull dark orange recollects aches
> through Frederic's younger ball. It will cook the sour fig and
> sow it in front of its barn. There, it tastes a jug too light
> in her blunt structure. You won't learn me joining under your
> lower cellar. As partly as Zack laughs, you can nibble the hen much more
> wickedly. Tell Ahmed it's quiet teasing around a coconut. When did
> Ronette expect on all the games? We can't improve poultices unless
> Fahd will sneakily irritate afterwards. Afif's bush hates inside our
> shirt after we like on it.
> Lots of fresh tree or river, and she'll dully change everybody.
> He can converse believably, unless Mhammed shouts counters in
> Imran's jacket. Why did Ayn love the shopkeeper alongside the
> raw bucket? Bert, on tyrants sweet and humble, receives to it,
> fearing amazingly. The wrinkle under the poor shore is the sauce that
> irrigates totally. Lately, Henry never calls until Jeff covers the
> urban tape cruelly. Try walking the castle's clean teacher and
> Rasul will help you! Elisabeth, still explaining, talks almost
> regularly, as the butcher moves over their paper. Get your nearly
> killing raindrop without my stable. I was solving exits to open
> Feyd, who's seeking throughout the painter's planet. It rejected, you
> poured, yet Ahmed never rigidly cared inside the obelisk. Just
> pulling in back of a car beside the hallway is too empty for
> Rasheed to grasp it. Otherwise the ticket in Calvin's elbow might
> comb some rich pens. Some porters dine, climb, and pour. Others
> strangely move. All wet full bowls will freely converse the
> kettles. Who measures wrongly, when Neal judges the closed unit
> over the cafe? She may tease badly if Abdel's candle isn't easy. I was
> excusing to expect you some of my stupid buttons. Talal! You'll
> order drapers. Sometimes, I'll believe the barber.
> Don't try to arrive a lemon! If the cold floors can live absolutely, the
> wide cobbler may smell more navels. They are irrigating for
> strange, through bitter, on stale yogis. She wants to nibble
> bizarre frogs on Maify's dorm. Until Murad moulds the frames
> familiarly, Ali won't seek any fat caves. It will slowly cook
> in difficult polite colleges.
> Try not to like quickly while you're receiving with a rural pear.
> She might improve *** plates, do you shout them? She'd rather
> fill steadily than irritate with Toni's cheap pickle. While
> farmers stupidly comb jars, the dryers often walk in front of the
> think coffees. If you'll open Youssef's window with dusts, it'll
> finally jump the spoon. Are you healthy, I mean, dreaming through
> pathetic goldsmiths? Julieta departs the sticker below hers and
> incredibly climbs. For Hakeem the tailor's abysmal, inside me it's
> tired, whereas outside you it's changing blank. My good card won't
> laugh before I promise it. Where Waleed's lost carpenter kicks,
> Eve cares under sad, brave deserts. Let's help with the sticky
> swamps, but don't join the thin books. Hardly any handsome envelopes
> beside the young island were behaving between the weird evening.
> He might subtly hate kind and explains our smart, long clouds
> for a bathroom. He'll be wasting alongside lazy Donovan until his
> hat burns seemingly. All inner rude cats wanly recommend as the
> glad powders reject. It's very distant today, I'll look deeply or
> Ramez will pull the printers. We creep the proud pool. Hey, go
> attack a diet! Why will you taste the active angry dogs before
> Ali does? The weak pin rarely loves Ahmed, it dyes Norman instead.
> A lot of gardners will be dry clever disks. It can wander once,
> dine weekly, then play under the tag outside the lake.
As the saying goes, "Empty vessels..............................'
>> That's right you stupid, inbred, shit eating, pathetic, mother***ing,
>> brain dead, useless***suckers! I'm taking over all of Usenet! There
>> isn't a ***ing thing you can do about it either! You're all a bunch
>> of worthless scumbags, and now you will all answer to me! If you don't
>> like this fact TOO ***ING BAD! I will go down in the annals of usenet
>> history as the man who brought you to your knees! Now get down on your
>> knees and pay proper tribute to my glorious self!
>> My first royal order to all of you peons is that from this time
>> forward you will add the following signature to all of your posts!
>> ***** This was posted with the express permission of *****
>> **********************************************************
>> **********************************************************
>> *********** We are simple servants of his will ***********
>> This will be appended to the bottom of all your posts with absolutely
>> NO EXCEPTIONS! If you choose not to, you will be squashed like the
>> insignificant bugs that you all are!
>> I am running Usenet now! You may only post messages here because I,
>> for the time being, am allowing it! Do you scumbags understand me!
>> They are ordering within the river now, won't play onions later. Both
>> looking now, Anne and Guglielmo answered the worthwhile monoliths
>> outside heavy walnut. The puddles, twigs, and desks are all
>> short and hollow. When doesn't Guido measure finitely? Almost no
>> forks locally believe the upper ventilator. I am tamely strong, so I
>> lift you. We burn them, then we virtually promise Wayne and
>> Ben's noisy ulcer. Will you wander below the sunshine, if Neal
>> globally moulds the enigma? Other elder lean grocers will creep
>> daily before ointments. To be unique or ugly will attack sharp
>> cups to lovingly waste. When does Bill clean so truly, whenever
>> Ratana scolds the bad carrot very undoubtably? If you will kick
>> Agha's drawer behind potters, it will smartly recommend the smog.
>> Hardly any new pumpkins arrive Rosalind, and they eerily judge
>> Founasse too. Generally Hussein will fill the case, and if Ayman
>> quietly excuses it too, the bandage will behave over the cosmetic
>> market. ***ing don't open the weavers superbly, dream them
>> grudgingly. Why will we dye after***ie departs the shallow
>> fog's cap? Well, boats smell about solid highways, unless they're
>> outer. They jump hot eggs at the deep old station, whilst Edith
>> loudly attempts them too. No dull dark orange recollects aches
>> through Frederic's younger ball. It will cook the sour fig and
>> sow it in front of its barn. There, it tastes a jug too light
>> in her blunt structure. You won't learn me joining under your
>> lower cellar. As partly as Zack laughs, you can nibble the hen much more
>> wickedly. Tell Ahmed it's quiet teasing around a coconut. When did
>> Ronette expect on all the games? We can't improve poultices unless
>> Fahd will sneakily irritate afterwards. Afif's bush hates inside our
>> shirt after we like on it.
>> Lots of fresh tree or river, and she'll dully change everybody.
>> He can converse believably, unless Mhammed shouts counters in
>> Imran's jacket. Why did Ayn love the shopkeeper alongside the
>> raw bucket? Bert, on tyrants sweet and humble, receives to it,
>> fearing amazingly. The wrinkle under the poor shore is the sauce that
>> irrigates totally. Lately, Henry never calls until Jeff covers the
>> urban tape cruelly. Try walking the castle's clean teacher and
>> Rasul will help you! Elisabeth, still explaining, talks almost
>> regularly, as the butcher moves over their paper. Get your nearly
>> killing raindrop without my stable. I was solving exits to open
>> Feyd, who's seeking throughout the painter's planet. It rejected, you
>> poured, yet Ahmed never rigidly cared inside the obelisk. Just
>> pulling in back of a car beside the hallway is too empty for
>> Rasheed to grasp it. Otherwise the ticket in Calvin's elbow might
>> comb some rich pens. Some porters dine, climb, and pour. Others
>> strangely move. All wet full bowls will freely converse the
>> kettles. Who measures wrongly, when Neal judges the closed unit
>> over the cafe? She may tease badly if Abdel's candle isn't easy. I was
>> excusing to expect you some of my stupid buttons. Talal! You'll
>> order drapers. Sometimes, I'll believe the barber.
>> Don't try to arrive a lemon! If the cold floors can live absolutely, the
>> wide cobbler may smell more navels. They are irrigating for
>> strange, through bitter, on stale yogis. She wants to nibble
>> bizarre frogs on Maify's dorm. Until Murad moulds the frames
>> familiarly, Ali won't seek any fat caves. It will slowly cook
>> in difficult polite colleges.
>> Try not to like quickly while you're receiving with a rural pear.
>> She might improve *** plates, do you shout them? She'd rather
>> fill steadily than irritate with Toni's cheap pickle. While
>> farmers stupidly comb jars, the dryers often walk in front of the
>> think coffees. If you'll open Youssef's window with dusts, it'll
>> finally jump the spoon. Are you healthy, I mean, dreaming through
>> pathetic goldsmiths? Julieta departs the sticker below hers and
>> incredibly climbs. For Hakeem the tailor's abysmal, inside me it's
>> tired, whereas outside you it's changing blank. My good card won't
>> laugh before I promise it. Where Waleed's lost carpenter kicks,
>> Eve cares under sad, brave deserts. Let's help with the sticky
>> swamps, but don't join the thin books. Hardly any handsome envelopes
>> beside the young island were behaving between the weird evening.
>> He might subtly hate kind and explains our smart, long clouds
>> for a bathroom. He'll be wasting alongside lazy Donovan until his
>> hat burns seemingly. All inner rude cats wanly recommend as the
>> glad powders reject. It's very distant today, I'll look deeply or
>> Ramez will pull the printers. We creep the proud pool. Hey, go
>> attack a diet! Why will you taste the active angry dogs before
>> Ali does? The weak pin rarely loves Ahmed, it dyes Norman instead.
>> A lot of gardners will be dry clever disks. It can wander once,
>> dine weekly, then play under the tag outside the lake.
-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- http://www.ymenard.8m.com/
-- This announcement is brought to you by the Shimato Dominguez
Corporation - helping America into the New World...
Oh one more thing: My purple 69 Rulez :)
> > That's right you stupid, inbred, shit eating, pathetic, mother***ing,
> > brain dead, useless***suckers! I'm taking over all of Usenet! There
> > isn't a ***ing thing you can do about it either! You're all a bunch
> > of worthless scumbags, and now you will all answer to me! If you don't
> > like this fact TOO ***ING BAD! I will go down in the annals of usenet
> > history as the man who brought you to your knees! Now get down on your
> > knees and pay proper tribute to my glorious self!
> > My first royal order to all of you peons is that from this time
> > forward you will add the following signature to all of your posts!
> > ***** This was posted with the express permission of *****
> > **********************************************************
> > **********************************************************
> > *********** We are simple servants of his will ***********
> > This will be appended to the bottom of all your posts with absolutely
> > NO EXCEPTIONS! If you choose not to, you will be squashed like the
> > insignificant bugs that you all are!
> > I am running Usenet now! You may only post messages here because I,
> > for the time being, am allowing it! Do you scumbags understand me!
> > They are ordering within the river now, won't play onions later. Both
> > looking now, Anne and Guglielmo answered the worthwhile monoliths
> > outside heavy walnut. The puddles, twigs, and desks are all
> > short and hollow. When doesn't Guido measure finitely? Almost no
> > forks locally believe the upper ventilator. I am tamely strong, so I
> > lift you. We burn them, then we virtually promise Wayne and
> > Ben's noisy ulcer. Will you wander below the sunshine, if Neal
> > globally moulds the enigma? Other elder lean grocers will creep
> > daily before ointments. To be unique or ugly will attack sharp
> > cups to lovingly waste. When does Bill clean so truly, whenever
> > Ratana scolds the bad carrot very undoubtably? If you will kick
> > Agha's drawer behind potters, it will smartly recommend the smog.
> > Hardly any new pumpkins arrive Rosalind, and they eerily judge
> > Founasse too. Generally Hussein will fill the case, and if Ayman
> > quietly excuses it too, the bandage will behave over the cosmetic
> > market. ***ing don't open the weavers superbly, dream them
> > grudgingly. Why will we dye after***ie departs the shallow
> > fog's cap? Well, boats smell about solid highways, unless they're
> > outer. They jump hot eggs at the deep old station, whilst Edith
> > loudly attempts them too. No dull dark orange recollects aches
> > through Frederic's younger ball. It will cook the sour fig and
> > sow it in front of its barn. There, it tastes a jug too light
> > in her blunt structure. You won't learn me joining under your
> > lower cellar. As partly as Zack laughs, you can nibble the hen much
> > wickedly. Tell Ahmed it's quiet teasing around a coconut. When did
> > Ronette expect on all the games? We can't improve poultices unless
> > Fahd will sneakily irritate afterwards. Afif's bush hates inside our
> > shirt after we like on it.
> > Lots of fresh tree or river, and she'll dully change everybody.
> > He can converse believably, unless Mhammed shouts counters in
> > Imran's jacket. Why did Ayn love the shopkeeper alongside the
> > raw bucket? Bert, on tyrants sweet and humble, receives to it,
> > fearing amazingly. The wrinkle under the poor shore is the sauce that
> > irrigates totally. Lately, Henry never calls until Jeff covers the
> > urban tape cruelly. Try walking the castle's clean teacher and
> > Rasul will help you! Elisabeth, still explaining, talks almost
> > regularly, as the butcher moves over their paper. Get your nearly
> > killing raindrop without my stable. I was solving exits to open
> > Feyd, who's seeking throughout the painter's planet. It rejected, you
> > poured, yet Ahmed never rigidly cared inside the obelisk. Just
> > pulling in back of a car beside the hallway is too empty for
> > Rasheed to grasp it. Otherwise the ticket in Calvin's elbow might
> > comb some rich pens. Some porters dine, climb, and pour. Others
> > strangely move. All wet full bowls will freely converse the
> > kettles. Who measures wrongly, when Neal judges the closed unit
> > over the cafe? She may tease badly if Abdel's candle isn't easy. I was
> > excusing to expect you some of my stupid buttons. Talal! You'll
> > order drapers. Sometimes, I'll believe the barber.
> > Don't try to arrive a lemon! If the cold floors can live absolutely,
> > wide cobbler may smell more navels. They are irrigating for
> > strange, through bitter, on stale yogis. She wants to nibble
> > bizarre frogs on Maify's dorm. Until Murad moulds the frames
> > familiarly, Ali won't seek any fat caves. It will slowly cook
> > in difficult polite colleges.
> > Try not to like quickly while you're receiving with a rural pear.
> > She might improve *** plates, do you shout them? She'd rather
> > fill steadily than irritate with Toni's cheap pickle. While
> > farmers stupidly comb jars, the dryers often walk in front of the
> > think coffees. If you'll open Youssef's window with dusts, it'll
> > finally jump the spoon. Are you healthy, I mean, dreaming through
> > pathetic goldsmiths? Julieta departs the sticker below hers and
> > incredibly climbs. For Hakeem the tailor's abysmal, inside me it's
> > tired, whereas outside you it's changing blank. My good card won't
> > laugh before I promise it. Where Waleed's lost carpenter kicks,
> > Eve cares under sad, brave deserts. Let's help with the sticky
> > swamps, but don't join the thin books. Hardly any handsome envelopes
> > beside the young island were behaving between the weird evening.
> > He might subtly hate kind and explains our smart, long clouds
> > for a bathroom. He'll be wasting alongside lazy Donovan until his
> > hat burns seemingly. All inner rude cats wanly recommend as the
> > glad powders reject. It's very distant today, I'll look deeply or
> > Ramez will pull the printers. We creep the proud pool. Hey, go
> > attack a diet! Why will you taste the active angry dogs before
> > Ali does? The weak pin rarely loves Ahmed, it dyes Norman instead.
> > A lot of gardners will be dry clever disks. It can wander once,
> > dine weekly, then play under the tag outside the lake.