Pack your bags, programmers.

Michael E. Carve

Pack your bags, programmers.

by Michael E. Carve » Sat, 02 Jan 1999 04:00:00

Damn it folks!  I put mr. *** in my killfile and you keep resurrecting
him.  I would suggest sending a copy of some of his posts (along with

"educate" this poor soul about Usenet abuse.  Which is exactly what his
posting are in this newsgroup.

% <snip>
% >I present my opinion in response to a _proposed_ release date for sim
% >titles. This _is_ a sim newsgroup last time I checked.  Take it or leave
% >it.
% >
% >Rick

% Rick, please, do you really feel, honestly, that your post is on
% topic for this newsgroup?  C'mon Mr.Appocolypse, even I don't
% think you're really that stupid.  It's off topic, and you are
% using every single chance you get to bring your off topic opinion
% - valid as that opinion may be - into an NG that clearly does not
% appreciate you doing so.

% It boils down to being a citizen of the world, which you are not
% being Rick.  You are obviously entitled to your opinion, I am not
% debating that point.  There are places where the topic of your
% opinion is disccussed, and places where it is not on topic - is
% this difficult for you to understand?  Do you contend this point?

% To continue to force your opinion - reguardless of it's
% agreability - in a place where you have been asked nicely -
% several times - to stop, is rude and inconsiderate and shows you
% really have some self-serving purpose in all of this.  Look at
% your behavior man, and be  man, and respect the wishes of your
% peers on this NG.  Be a man, be a positive contributer to this
% community, instead of a zit on it's face.

% I''m not trying in anyway to invalidate your opinions, nor am I
% encouraging censorship.  I'm just pleading with you to listen to
% your peers who have repeatedly told you they are not interested
% in your off topic opinion on this particular NG.  Be a man, and a
% citizen of the world, a member of this community, and take it to
% an appropriate NG.  Out of respect for your peers, if for no
% other reason.  This is a community here, a pseudo-society, it
% deserves your respect.

% Good luck to you in your future.

% -=Hammer

**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
     Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./.  [-  < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

John Simmo

Pack your bags, programmers.

by John Simmo » Sat, 02 Jan 1999 04:00:00

>>I look forward the first week of 2000 when most of the idiots are still
>>hiding in their bomb shelters with their twinkies and propane heaters!

when the last one retires to the bomb shelter, we could roll a big rock
in front of the door so that can't get out...

Then we could drill a hole into the bomb shelter that's big enough so
that every year that goes by, we could drop one of those 365-day
calendars down there so they can see how wrong they were.

Personally, I think that Barney (that big annoying purple dinosaur) will
finally be revealed as an alien bent on the earth's total destruction by
covering the planet with a layer of purple glue goo that covers the
entire surface to a depth of 1000 feet.


John Simmons - Redneck Techno-Biker (Zerex12)

John Simmons - Barbarian Diecast Collector

IGPS Director

If you want to send me email, go to either of the URL's
shown above & click "Send Me Mail" in the contents frame.


Pack your bags, programmers.

by ric » Sat, 02 Jan 1999 04:00:00

> Dear Rick

> Please *** off. You are wasting valuable bandwidth that i cannot
> afford.

You are also a liar. Your ISP, has unlimited service plans


Lindsay Adam

Pack your bags, programmers.

by Lindsay Adam » Sun, 03 Jan 1999 04:00:00

I've just sussed it !! -- you're The Borg aren't you

"That is normal and acceptable." will be assimilated

>> Rick, please, do you really feel, honestly, that your post is on
>> topic for this newsgroup?  C'mon Mr.Appocolypse, even I don't
>> think you're really that stupid.

>I do feel that some of it is off-topic(tm).  But heck, many times a
>conversation sways from being _directly_ on topic.  This is normal and

>And just because something is apocalyptic, that doesn't mean it _can't_
>or _won't_ happen.

>> It's off topic,

>Here again, you must fully respect my differing viewpoint: Y2K, sim
>titles, and programmers are interrelated in ways that may very well have
>an effect on your game-playing - for better or worse. I so happen to
>illustrate scenarios, as dire as they seem, that indicate that your
>game-play will take a dive or disappear altogether.

>It's not pretty.

>But you can take decisive action _now_ to preserve your hobby and, on an
>apocalyptic note, your life.

>> and you are
>> using every single chance you get to bring your off topic opinion
>> - valid as that opinion may be - into an NG that clearly does not
>> appreciate you doing so.

>True, _some_ people don't appreciated it.  Few opinions are completely
>aligned with those of each reader. This is normal and acceptable.

>I still don't see how you are qualified to speak on everyone's behalf.
>Did you take a survey?  I'm not flaming, just asking.

>> It boils down to being a citizen of the world, which you are not
>> being Rick.

>I'm an American citizen.  Until a one-world government is established
>(not in our lifetimes <g>), I will never become a "citizen of the
>world". However, you are free to become one.

>> You are obviously entitled to your opinion, I am not
>> debating that point.  There are places where the topic of your
>> opinion is disccussed, and places where it is not on topic - is
>> this difficult for you to understand?  Do you contend this point?

>I understand _and_ agree with you.  Look at the threads about CPU's and
>upgrading.  Why are you not sending those authors to alt.comp.abit or
>alt.comp.celeron to dump their 'off-topic' garbage where it belongs.
>What about all the junk that belongs in F1 newsgroups?  Why are you not
>policing those threads?

>> To continue to force your opinion - reguardless of it's
>> agreability

>That is a strong word - "force".  Can you be "forced" to watch 90210?

>>and shows you
>> really have some self-serving purpose in all of this.

>EVERYONE posting on USENET has _some_ self-serving purpose. That is
>normal and acceptable.

>> Look at
>> your behavior man, and be  man, and respect the wishes of your
>> peers on this NG.  Be a man, be a positive contributer to this
>> community, instead of a zit on it's face.

>I _am_ contributing.  But I can't help save everyone.

>> I''m not trying in anyway to invalidate your opinions, nor am I
>> encouraging censorship.

>Yes you are.  You are invalidating my opinion that Y2K will have an
>impact on future sim titles.  You are also suggesting that I don't speak
>in this NG unless I follow _your_ guidelines for which _you_ define
>on-topic subject matter.

>> I'm just pleading with you to listen to
>> your peers who have repeatedly told you they are not interested
>> in your off topic opinion on this particular NG.

>That doesn't include everyone. So you speak for yourself and maybe a few

>>  Be a man, and a
>> citizen of the world, a member of this community, and take it to
>> an appropriate NG.  Out of respect for your peers, if for no
>> other reason.  This is a community here, a pseudo-society, it
>> deserves your respect.

>How is the impact of a programmer's draft _not_ related to releasing
>future sim titles?  Inasmuch as Intel's Celeron price drop announcement
>to the group?

>The real reason _some_ folks oppose my opinion is because the
>consequences of considering even the remote possibility that I'm right
>is too painful. The issue never was the suitability of the topic to the
>rest of the group.

>If you research Dejanews, you will find some avid posters here who
>danced alongside me on this Y2K issue.  They never cried about the issur
>being off-topic until their own denialist fantasies were debunked.  It
>is just an excuse.

>Happy New Year!


Lindsay Adam

Pack your bags, programmers.

by Lindsay Adam » Sun, 03 Jan 1999 04:00:00

nice, oh paranoid one - you managed to miss the point there

there is no sim game that will be unplayable because of  Y2K .... NONE, not
ONE. Yes oh paranoid one I am being serious, NONE. Why? - if you can't work
that out you are more of a pseudo expert than I thought.

>>     This is a AUTO SIMULATOR newsgroup, NOT a "General" or "Y2K"
>> You can't post ***o here, any more than you should talk about Y2K.

>LOL!  Y2K is ***? LOL LOL. Psssst...hey buddy, lemme tell ya about my
>25 cent Y2K booth.

>> REASON.  Not that it's not "newsworthy" - it's not APPROPRIATE.  If your
>> postings don't pertain to that topic, go away.  You waste bandwidth
>> here.

><'R' rated Y2K snip>

>Y2K will affect auto simulators - mark my word.  I will even wager with

></'R' rated Y2K snip?


Todd Hecke

Pack your bags, programmers.

by Todd Hecke » Mon, 11 Jan 1999 04:00:00

>I present my opinion in response to a _proposed_ release date for sim
>titles. This _is_ a sim newsgroup last time I checked.  Take it or leave


Programmer: ...okay, okay!  I'll see if I can reason with him. <Big breath>
Hi Rick.

Rick: Hi! Who are you?

Programmer: My name is Todd Heckel, and I'm a programmer.

Rick: I'm sorry to here that.  Received your conscription notice yet?

Programmer: Er, no.  Listen, Rick, I'm gonna respond to your last statement
there, seeing as how I'm working on a sim. title, and all that.

Rick: Great! Nice to see somebody in this newsgroup willing to debate the

Programmer: Okay, so here goes.  What language is the majority of the
world's financial software written in?

Rick: Oh, that's easy.  COBOL.

Programmer: Right!  Now, what language, or languages, are most of the worlds
sim. titles written in?  I mean the ones worth even talking about.

Rick: Hmmm, let me think.  FORTRAN?

Programmer: Hehe.  Well, maybe ten or fif*** years ago.  No, I would bet
that the majority of the world's sim. titles are written in C or C++, with a
healthy dash of hand-coded assembly language when necessary.

Rick: Oh, I see where you're going with this...

Programmer: Just hear me out.  Now, what good would I, as an experienced
C/C++ programmer, who hasn't a clue as to what COBOL even stands for, be to
a government trying to fix millions and millions of lines of buggy COBOL
financial software?  You know, Rick, there's an entire branch of the
software industry dedicated to financial and information programming.  These
are not the sort of people who where weaned on the programming of physics,
analytic geometry and linear algebra necessary to write a graphics-intensive
sim. title in this day and age.  They're a whole different breed of animal.

Rick: Yeah, well, still... it could happen!

Programmer: Look, Rick, I'm not going to debate you as to the LIKELIHOOD of
a Y2K crisis - that would be off-topic.  All I'm saying is that even if
everybody's worst fears came true, I and others like me would be of little
help.  Trust me, it's not gonna happen.

Rick: Jjust because something is apocalyptic, that doesn't mean it _can't_
or _won't_ happen.

Programmer: You're absolutely right!  It _won't_ happen because its stupid.

Rick: But you can take decisive action _now_ to preserve your hobby and, on
an apocalyptic note, your life.

Programmer: Such as?

Rick: Get started on that bunker!

Programmer: I see.  You know, I happen to have about half an acre of land.

Rick: Excellent!  Better start digging!


Rick: Jeez!  No need to get all huffy!

Programmer: Sorry.  You have that effect on people.  What about my computer?

Rick: That's easy.  Buy a generator!

Programmer: Okay.  And my Internet connection?

Rick: Well, you won't need that.  There won't be an Internet.

Programmer: Oh.  Are you implying that the economic crisis and social
breakdown that will happen as a result of the Y2K bug will cripple our
national infrastructre and make luxuries like the Internet unaffordable
until more pressing issues are dealt with?

Rick: Yeah, something like that.


Rick: Look, if you're gonna rant and rave, I'm not gonna talk to you.

Programmer: Well, that's okay.  It's been more fun talking to myself.



Pack your bags, programmers.

by ric » Mon, 11 Jan 1999 04:00:00

> Programmer: ...okay, okay!  I'll see if I can reason with him. <Big breath>
> Hi Rick.

 Rick: Hi! Who are you?

 Rick: Todd "Heckel"? OOOOoooookay...

 Rick: Great! Nice to see somebody in this newsgroup willing to debate

 Rick: Oh, that's easy.  COBOL and too many others to list.

 Rick: Hmmm, let me think.  FORTRAN?

 Rick: Oh, I see where you're going with this...

 Rick: Yeah, well, still... You must consider the enormous amount of
applications that run on PC's.  And lets not forget those pesky embedded
chips!  If you are a seasoned C++ programmer, then you will be of great
use in helping our government calm it's citizen's panicky perceptions.

            "Finally, the government IS DOING SOMETHING!"

 Rick: Since when has our government been concerned with effectiveness
and efficiency?  The question is: Will the public's PERCEPTION of
governmental progress be changed for the better?  Yes, of course!  99%
of the public is clueless about programming details.

 Rick: Huh?  Stupid?  How so?  The US has been in a declared state of
emergency since 1933.  Since then a draft of our men has taken place
many times. How is this different?

But you can take decisive action _now_ to preserve your hobby and, on
an apocalyptic note, your life.

 Rick: Get started on that bunker and purchase 250 watts of solar power!

 Rick: Excellent!  Better start digging and buy up your PV array!

 Rick: Then keep the shelter capsule at grade level and berm over the
structure with at least 3 feet of soil to take advantage of the stable
ambient temperatures of the earth.

 Rick: That's easy.  Buy a PV array!

 Rick: Well, you won't need that.  There won't be an Internet.  Rig a

 Rick: Well, money won't be the issue.  If your read AT&T's 10Q report,
they have joined Chevron Corp. in throwing in the towel for Y2K
compliance.  They admit they started too late and won't make it.  And
that customer/vendor disruptions are likely.  These are their words not
mine.  So, aside from money, the internet will be a pre-collapse memory
at best, given the sad state of other telco's compliance status.

 Rick: Look, if you're planning on spending time with computer games,
then you should consider storing some food supplies.  Otherwise, you may
spend every waking moment scrounging for wild berries and chasing
coons.  Drink the water at your own risk!

Rick: Given that you are a programmer, you can only guess how clueless
the general populace is.

Lock and load.

Rick is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.