him. I would suggest sending a copy of some of his posts (along with
"educate" this poor soul about Usenet abuse. Which is exactly what his
posting are in this newsgroup.
% <snip>
% >I present my opinion in response to a _proposed_ release date for sim
% >titles. This _is_ a sim newsgroup last time I checked. Take it or leave
% >it.
% >
% >Rick
% Rick, please, do you really feel, honestly, that your post is on
% topic for this newsgroup? C'mon Mr.Appocolypse, even I don't
% think you're really that stupid. It's off topic, and you are
% using every single chance you get to bring your off topic opinion
% - valid as that opinion may be - into an NG that clearly does not
% appreciate you doing so.
% It boils down to being a citizen of the world, which you are not
% being Rick. You are obviously entitled to your opinion, I am not
% debating that point. There are places where the topic of your
% opinion is disccussed, and places where it is not on topic - is
% this difficult for you to understand? Do you contend this point?
% To continue to force your opinion - reguardless of it's
% agreability - in a place where you have been asked nicely -
% several times - to stop, is rude and inconsiderate and shows you
% really have some self-serving purpose in all of this. Look at
% your behavior man, and be man, and respect the wishes of your
% peers on this NG. Be a man, be a positive contributer to this
% community, instead of a zit on it's face.
% I''m not trying in anyway to invalidate your opinions, nor am I
% encouraging censorship. I'm just pleading with you to listen to
% your peers who have repeatedly told you they are not interested
% in your off topic opinion on this particular NG. Be a man, and a
% citizen of the world, a member of this community, and take it to
% an appropriate NG. Out of respect for your peers, if for no
% other reason. This is a community here, a pseudo-society, it
% deserves your respect.
% Good luck to you in your future.
% -=Hammer
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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