Pack your bags, programmers.


Pack your bags, programmers.

by ric » Thu, 31 Dec 1998 04:00:00

Where there is smoke, there is fire.


"We are really asking industry to do something that I don't know if
the government has ever asked them to do, which is to work with us to
identify people within their industries who have very important skills
that could be brought to bear at other organizations who are in
trouble, or at other states, or potentially in other countries,"
Abrams said."

"So we are going to be calling upon these industry leaders to help
provide part of their skilled work force to be available to help
others in need," she added."

Happy New Year!


Ian Parke

Pack your bags, programmers.

by Ian Parke » Fri, 01 Jan 1999 04:00:00

Rick, do us all a big favour , and take this somewhere else. I , and most
other's are really bored with it now.

Ian Parker

>Where there is smoke, there is fire.


>"We are really asking industry to do something that I don't know if
>the government has ever asked them to do, which is to work with us

Andy Thil

Pack your bags, programmers.

by Andy Thil » Fri, 01 Jan 1999 04:00:00

Get Stuffed.

>Where there is smoke, there is fire.


>"We are really asking industry to do something that I don't know if
>the government has ever asked them to do, which is to work with us to
>identify people within their industries who have very important skills
>that could be brought to bear at other organizations who are in
>trouble, or at other states, or potentially in other countries,"
>Abrams said."

>"So we are going to be calling upon these industry leaders to help
>provide part of their skilled work force to be available to help
>others in need," she added."


>Happy New Year!



Pack your bags, programmers.

by ric » Fri, 01 Jan 1999 04:00:00

> shows how much you know about fires - smoke's what you get when there's no
> fire oh wise and paranoid one.

> I hope you have a happy "digging another bunker" new year too rickmeister,
> its my ferverent hope that you'll be so busy playing garden mole, that you
> won't bother us here - go play in the right news group(s)

>  see you next year and the year after and the year after and the year after
> see you next year and the year after and the year after and the year after
> see you next year and the year after and the year after and the year after

Did you obey British government orders and "hoard food for now for Y2K


Don Hancoc

Pack your bags, programmers.

by Don Hancoc » Fri, 01 Jan 1999 04:00:00

>Get Stuffed.
>>"So we are going to be calling upon these industry leaders to help
>>provide part of their skilled work force to be available to help
>>others in need," she added."

    Wow!  Apprently what I was originally gonna post would've been
considered MILD!  So now that others have voiced the same opinion I had,
I'll post most of it:

    It is HIGHLY unlikely that Papy, Sierra, EA, or anybody else in this
industry could even AFFORD to let their manpower "help others in need."
With each company currently having their own problems, helping the FAA fix
their code is last on Sierra's mind.


    I look forward the first week of 2000 when most of the idiots are still
hiding in their bomb shelters with their twinkies and propane heaters!
Maybe the (more) sane people will have more room to move about and traffic
will be less dense!

    I'm sure you can search usenet for a newsgroup devoted to you Y2K
paranoid persona's.  Take it THERE.


I feel much better now.


Pack your bags, programmers.

by ric » Fri, 01 Jan 1999 04:00:00

>     Wow!  Apprently what I was originally gonna post would've been
> considered MILD!  So now that others have voiced the same opinion I had,
> I'll post most of it:

Please don't flame me. I might get depressed and die.

Thank you for making my point on how a programmer's draft is inevitable.


You are most correct.  First the government will 'ask' for volunteers.
Just like they 'asked' for volunteers to help fight WWII.  This is
ALWAYS a precursor to conscription.

Few people will volunteer to fight our wars to preserve our freedom
because they are "too busy" with their personal lives which WHOLLY
DEPEND on the freedom they are called upon to protect in the first

Fixing our computers is no different.  Our freedom WHOLLY DEPENDS on it.

Stay tuned.

If there is at least one fact that you should take note of when making
life or death decisions, it would be this:

Darwin's Law is Y2K compliant.

I doubt they would want to hear about Sierra. Nor would they know who
"Papy" is.



Pack your bags, programmers.

by Hamm » Fri, 01 Jan 1999 04:00:00


ELSE?  You have been asked nicely many times, have some
consideration for your fellow newsgroup participants.  Please.
You have clearly demonstrated yourself to be a rude and
inconsiderate person.  Go be that way somewhere else.  Damn.



Pack your bags, programmers.

by ric » Fri, 01 Jan 1999 04:00:00

> ELSE?  You have been asked nicely many times, have some
> consideration for your fellow newsgroup participants.  Please.
> You have clearly demonstrated yourself to be a rude and
> inconsiderate person.  Go be that way somewhere else.  Damn.

I present my opinion in response to a _proposed_ release date for sim
titles. This _is_ a sim newsgroup last time I checked.  Take it or leave



Pack your bags, programmers.

by Hamm » Fri, 01 Jan 1999 04:00:00


Rick, please, do you really feel, honestly, that your post is on
topic for this newsgroup?  C'mon Mr.Appocolypse, even I don't
think you're really that stupid.  It's off topic, and you are
using every single chance you get to bring your off topic opinion
- valid as that opinion may be - into an NG that clearly does not
appreciate you doing so.

It boils down to being a citizen of the world, which you are not
being Rick.  You are obviously entitled to your opinion, I am not
debating that point.  There are places where the topic of your
opinion is disccussed, and places where it is not on topic - is
this difficult for you to understand?  Do you contend this point?

To continue to force your opinion - reguardless of it's
agreability - in a place where you have been asked nicely -
several times - to stop, is rude and inconsiderate and shows you
really have some self-serving purpose in all of this.  Look at
your behavior man, and be  man, and respect the wishes of your
peers on this NG.  Be a man, be a positive contributer to this
community, instead of a zit on it's face.

I''m not trying in anyway to invalidate your opinions, nor am I
encouraging censorship.  I'm just pleading with you to listen to
your peers who have repeatedly told you they are not interested
in your off topic opinion on this particular NG.  Be a man, and a
citizen of the world, a member of this community, and take it to
an appropriate NG.  Out of respect for your peers, if for no
other reason.  This is a community here, a pseudo-society, it
deserves your respect.

Good luck to you in your future.


Don Hancoc

Pack your bags, programmers.

by Don Hancoc » Fri, 01 Jan 1999 04:00:00

>> ELSE?  You have been asked nicely many times, have some

>I present my opinion in response to a _proposed_ release date for sim
>titles. This _is_ a sim newsgroup last time I checked.  Take it or leave

    This is a AUTO SIMULATOR newsgroup, NOT a "General" or "Y2K" newsgroup.
You can't post ***o here, any more than you should talk about Y2K. SAME
REASON.  Not that it's not "newsworthy" - it's not APPROPRIATE.  If your
postings don't pertain to that topic, go away.  You waste bandwidth posting



Pack your bags, programmers.

by ric » Fri, 01 Jan 1999 04:00:00

> Rick, please, do you really feel, honestly, that your post is on
> topic for this newsgroup?  C'mon Mr.Appocolypse, even I don't
> think you're really that stupid.

I do feel that some of it is off-topic(tm).  But heck, many times a
conversation sways from being _directly_ on topic.  This is normal and

And just because something is apocalyptic, that doesn't mean it _can't_
or _won't_ happen.

Here again, you must fully respect my differing viewpoint: Y2K, sim
titles, and programmers are interrelated in ways that may very well have
an effect on your game-playing - for better or worse. I so happen to
illustrate scenarios, as dire as they seem, that indicate that your
game-play will take a dive or disappear altogether.

It's not pretty.

But you can take decisive action _now_ to preserve your hobby and, on an
apocalyptic note, your life.

True, _some_ people don't appreciated it.  Few opinions are completely
aligned with those of each reader. This is normal and acceptable.

I still don't see how you are qualified to speak on everyone's behalf.
Did you take a survey?  I'm not flaming, just asking.

I'm an American citizen.  Until a one-world government is established
(not in our lifetimes <g>), I will never become a "citizen of the
world". However, you are free to become one.

I understand _and_ agree with you.  Look at the threads about CPU's and
upgrading.  Why are you not sending those authors to alt.comp.abit or
alt.comp.celeron to dump their 'off-topic' garbage where it belongs.
What about all the junk that belongs in F1 newsgroups?  Why are you not
policing those threads?

That is a strong word - "force".  Can you be "forced" to watch 90210?

EVERYONE posting on USENET has _some_ self-serving purpose. That is
normal and acceptable.

I _am_ contributing.  But I can't help save everyone.

Yes you are.  You are invalidating my opinion that Y2K will have an
impact on future sim titles.  You are also suggesting that I don't speak
in this NG unless I follow _your_ guidelines for which _you_ define
on-topic subject matter.

That doesn't include everyone. So you speak for yourself and maybe a few

How is the impact of a programmer's draft _not_ related to releasing
future sim titles?  Inasmuch as Intel's Celeron price drop announcement
to the group?

The real reason _some_ folks oppose my opinion is because the
consequences of considering even the remote possibility that I'm right
is too painful. The issue never was the suitability of the topic to the
rest of the group.

If you research Dejanews, you will find some avid posters here who
danced alongside me on this Y2K issue.  They never cried about the issur
being off-topic until their own denialist fantasies were debunked.  It
is just an excuse.

Happy New Year!



Pack your bags, programmers.

by ric » Fri, 01 Jan 1999 04:00:00

>     This is a AUTO SIMULATOR newsgroup, NOT a "General" or "Y2K" newsgroup.
> You can't post ***o here, any more than you should talk about Y2K.

LOL!  Y2K is ***? LOL LOL. Psssst...hey buddy, lemme tell ya about my
25 cent Y2K booth.

<'R' rated Y2K snip>

Y2K will affect auto simulators - mark my word.  I will even wager with

</'R' rated Y2K snip?


Lindsay Adam

Pack your bags, programmers.

by Lindsay Adam » Sat, 02 Jan 1999 04:00:00

shows how much you know about fires - smoke's what you get when there's no
fire oh wise and paranoid one.

I hope you have a happy "digging another bunker" new year too rickmeister,
its my ferverent hope that you'll be so busy playing garden mole, that you
won't bother us here - go play in the right news group(s)

 see you next year and the year after and the year after and the year after
see you next year and the year after and the year after and the year after
see you next year and the year after and the year after and the year after


Pack your bags, programmers.

by alan » Sat, 02 Jan 1999 04:00:00

Dear Rick

Please *** off. You are wasting valuable bandwidth that i cannot

Barry Stoc

Pack your bags, programmers.

by Barry Stoc » Sat, 02 Jan 1999 04:00:00

I think they kicked him out of there ;)

>>Get Stuffed.

>>>"So we are going to be calling upon these industry leaders to help
>>>provide part of their skilled work force to be available to help
>>>others in need," she added."

>    Wow!  Apprently what I was originally gonna post would've been
>considered MILD!  So now that others have voiced the same opinion I had,
>I'll post most of it:

>    It is HIGHLY unlikely that Papy, Sierra, EA, or anybody else in this
>industry could even AFFORD to let their manpower "help others in need."
>With each company currently having their own problems, helping the FAA fix
>their code is last on Sierra's mind.


>    I look forward the first week of 2000 when most of the idiots are still
>hiding in their bomb shelters with their twinkies and propane heaters!
>Maybe the (more) sane people will have more room to move about and traffic
>will be less dense!

>    I'm sure you can search usenet for a newsgroup devoted to you Y2K
>paranoid persona's.  Take it THERE.


>I feel much better now. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.