I've actually had fun with F1-2000. The multiplayer component could be improved
immensely by having a client/server model and allowing practice/qualifying but for
getting it out so quickly it's not so bad. I liked the SCGT physics so it was not a
problem for me to purchase F1-2000.
> And look at that fine mess Ea did with F1-2000. They should have never released
> such a horrible product.
> > Well Papy and Crammond spent 3 years (give or take) on GPL, N3 and GP2. EA/
> > ISI had to rush out F1-2000 in less than a year I've heard. Ok they used the
> > SCGT engine, but probably spent 90% on graphics, not advancing the multiplayer
> > and physics so F1-2002 should be great! :-D
> > Jason.
> > > And why can't EA release a product like Papy, MGI, or
> > > Crammond which is solid right out of the box?
> > > Jon
> > --
> > Jason Monds
> > http://www.proracingclub.com - Pro Racing Club! (N3, GPL)
> > http://members.home.net/stuff.mondsj/csp - Car Sim Project
> > (Please remove 'no extra spork' when replying)
Jason Monds
http://www.proracingclub.com - Pro Racing Club! (N3, GPL)
http://members.home.net/stuff.mondsj/csp - Car Sim Project
(Please remove 'no extra spork' when replying)