I have just changed my processor (PII 266 for Celeron 300A at 374 MHz),
motherboard (Intel's LX 440 for ABit's BH6) and bought additional 64 MB
of RAM.
I've had Voodoo2 and PDPI L4 before. Also the previous motherboard had
an on-board Yamaha's OPL-SA2 soundcard.
The performance I was getting with the old system was satisfying, but a
horror when tryin to race more then 5 cars in GPL (I can't drive with
less then 30fps, at least not fast).
Now with this configuration, I can run full details at 800x600 at 36fps
(Mexico race with 19 opponents at the grid showed 24-25fps, when the
field spread, I got normal 36fps back).
Now here goes the problem I have :
When I go racing online (with 28800 modem) I get very bad frame rates -
which I didn't experience with my previous configuration (I've turned to
640x480 resolution, decreased the detail level and still no success). I
find it very annoying, since I can't run fast neither consistent at
these frame rates I'm not used to.... :o(
Anyone knows if maybe the old sound card that I'm using (SB 16 PnP-32)
could be the cause for it ?
I've tried to reinstall the Voodoo drivers, PDPI drivers and nothing
seems to help.
Would SB Live! make a difference ? Any other ideas ?
It just seems redicilus to me that I didn't have such problems before on
much slower
Thanks for every suggestion.... :o)
Tadej Krevh