Here's Microsoft's biggest problem...
They went from a crashy, bug-infested operating system (Windows 95 and 98)
to a relatively stable and useable operating system (Win2K and XP) but along
the way picked up so many security holes that the term swiss cheese doesn't
do it justice.
When someone like me has to spend 30-40% of their support time removing
spyware picked up via drive-by silent installs from web pages (an issue
Microsoft STILL has not addressed to this day) then, well, that's just wrong
Microsoft deserves a lot of what they get.
> First off Im not defending anyone.
> Dev's are using copy protection for a reason (Pirates). If they feel they
> need it then so be it so long as it is as un-obtrusive as possible, which
> Starforce is. It can and will get much worse in our lifetimes. All the
> while these lunatic fringe activists are just going to drive dev's to the
> consoles leaving us simmers high and dry....
> Look at the reverse effect PETA is having on both the activists and the
> public. The activists are getting more and more daring doing just about
> anything to be heard while the general public for the most part ignores
> them. The activists must then go that much farther to make the headlines
> and now they are looked at as nothing more than a out of control left wing
> terror group.
> As far as MS goes Im just sick and tired of the activists and their
> unreasonable comments. If you don;t like MS fine but why do so many feel
> the need to bash MS at every single opportunity, ad nauseum... No
> different than the freaks on the far left and their incessant never ending
> crying about Bush or the far rights crying about Clinton.
> What does L:inux being free have to do with being comparable? They are
> both PC OS's and deserve to be compared to each other.
> Every 6 months or so for the past decade Ive installed numerous distro's
> (Suse my fav) and while they are improving the pace lags well behind
> Windows releases..
> You arent going to run Linux in an acceptable manner with a current
> desktop manager (KDE or Gnome) on a P3 of any species... It may run but
> not acceptably.
> Trust me, I also want a free OS and could care less who gives it to me.
> Right now Linux isnt it, free or otherwise.
> You are misreading my comments if you think Im attacking Linux. I get
> questions regarding Linux daily but when the end user can't even install a
> printer in XP then what chance does he have with Linux? Not much and that
> pretty much sums it up for me..
> Mitch
>> What surprises me is that *anyone* at all defends Starforce and MS to any
>> extent.
>> I have nothing against MS, as long as I can select applications and turn
>> off the useless stuff at my choosing.
>> And I love linux, since it gives me the ultimate power on my own machine.
>> Comparing the two are comparing two non-comparative things; For one,
>> linux is free, MS is not. This makes it utterly useless to compare the
>> two in next to any context.
>> I don't recognize my current linux distro in any of your assessments,
>> since it performs magnificently well on an ancient (7 years old) P3, and
>> it feels like a perfectly modern OS.
>> Linux is most of all *different*, and attacking something because it is
>> *different* is the least valid of all possible imaginable arguments.
>> ---A---