>So not being able to afford it justifies copying it? That's a little
>too self-serving for me, sorry. Besides, anyone that can afford a
>computer in the first place can certainly afford to set a little money
>aside until he has saved up enough for a game. Or he can go without.
>We are talking about a game, not something that is either fundamentally
>necessary or exorbitantly expensive.
I didn't say that it would justify copying it, but it wouldn't mean a lost
sale. Correct, a game isn't that expensive, and I'd agree with you there. I
couldn't afford N2002, and I wasn't going to buy it. I got lucky - someone
else bought it for me. But the principle is there, mostly on expensive
software. Someone wants a video-editing program, for example. It may cost
$1000, or more. If the person can't afford it, he won't buy it. Therefore,
it's not a 'lost' sale, because the sale wouldn't have been made in the FIRST
Another example of a so-called 'lost' sale - the recent Ferrari team
controversy. Several people said "That's it - I'm NOT going to buy a Ferrari
now because I'm pissed at them." You really think that Ferrari believes they
lost those sales? It was a joke - most of the people who said that couldn't
afford a Ferrari if they ate only Ramen noodles for the next 20 YEARS... You
can't lose a sale that was never going to HAPPEN.
Other than that point - I agree with you.<g>
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