All I can say is WOW! I was finally able to gut the old' Puckard
Smell and upgrade my system. Jim Deane built me a P166 w/32
meg ram, Asus P/I-P55T2P4 MB w/512k cache, Intergraph Intense
3D 100, SB32 AWE, and I've got to say N2 flies like I couldn't have
imagined. I'm running all graphics on with a full field ahead and 3
cars behind. I've got the fence on auto and get a flicker from it on
the large tracks, with the minimum framerate set on 30. This is
running through Win95 too. It's like a whole new world. I'm really
impressed with the graphics of N2 now that I can see them all!
Thanks Papy :)
(and thanks Jim Deane!)
Shawn Wise