The mouse is now supported, but I haven't tried it. I have no idea about
the Gravis gamepad.
Brian Wong Systems Engineering Group (Servers)
> >Can the keyboard or Gravis gamepads control the cars in ICR2? These
> >are my only means of control apart from the mouse.
> The keyboard "works" butnot very well - the cars are too sensitive and
> the keyboard doesn't provide sufficient control.
> The mouse is now supported, but I haven't tried it. I have no idea about
> the Gravis gamepad.
> --
> Brian Wong Systems Engineering Group (Servers)
IS/ Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada \DN
I< Field Services Technician for BC TEL, DATEC Deptartment >N
IS\ Specializing in ISDN, Microlink, DataDial 56 /DN
ISD\ HomePage: http:/ /SDN
> >Can the keyboard or Gravis gamepads control the cars in ICR2? These
> >are my only means of control apart from the mouse.
> The keyboard "works" butnot very well - the cars are too sensitive and
> the keyboard doesn't provide sufficient control.
> The mouse is now supported, but I haven't tried it. I have no idea about
> the Gravis gamepad.
> --
> Brian Wong Systems Engineering Group (Servers)
IS/ Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada \DN
I< Field Services Technician for BC TEL, DATEC Deptartment >N
IS\ Specializing in ISDN, Microlink, DataDial 56 /DN
ISD\ HomePage: http:/ /SDN