Voodoo3 3000 *PCI* and Toca2

Matt & Ton

Voodoo3 3000 *PCI* and Toca2

by Matt & Ton » Sun, 27 Feb 2000 04:00:00

A friend of mine just got a Compaq or some other packaged computer

After playing GPL, SCGT, and TOCA2 on my 'puter he decided to go with my
setup... a Voodoo3 300 AGP... BUT!!! the AGP card was too long to fit
into his machine so he took it back & got the PCI version. All was going
great with GPL, but when he got his copy of TOCA2 installed he tried to
fire it up. The "Codemasters" letters bouncing around came on the
screen, the movie clip started up & worked fine, but the game stopped
before going into the menu screen with an error message stating that his
graphics card didn't support z-buffering, then it kicked him back to
     Is there a fix for this or is there someway he can get around this?
Or is this a freak problem on his computer and he's just plain f**ked?!?
Any help from you folks would be appreciated, and I'd gladly drink a
beer for your help! ;)


Matt & Ton

Voodoo3 3000 *PCI* and Toca2

by Matt & Ton » Sun, 27 Feb 2000 04:00:00

thanks fluff... really!
Hadn't thought of that...

> yeah there's a fix.. get a bigger case and the AGP Version...

> I'm having no worrys with mine with anything :)))

>                         fluffypony


Voodoo3 3000 *PCI* and Toca2

by fluffypon » Mon, 28 Feb 2000 04:00:00

yeah there's a fix.. get a bigger case and the AGP Version...

I'm having no worrys with mine with anything :)))


Rafe McAulif

Voodoo3 3000 *PCI* and Toca2

by Rafe McAulif » Tue, 29 Feb 2000 04:00:00

On Sun, 27 Feb 2000 02:06:35 +0000, fluffypony

>yeah there's a fix.. get a bigger case and the AGP Version...

>I'm having no worrys with mine with anything :)))

>                    fluffypony

There is virtually no difference between the agp and pci versions of
the V3 - apart from the bus interface speed. You'll find that this
also makes no difference, since the bus interface speed is not a
bottleneck in any current *** system, so don't bother with agp.
V3's support a z buffer, so that's an unusal error - is it in d3d or
Glide? Have you got the latest drivers and DirectX?

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