Not saying that the 619 callers are the only wreckless drivers but here's a
quick little calculation I've messed w/.
let's make it a slow race for calculations sake and say 1 lap per min
now let's say everyone is getting a really great long distance rate and
again for calculations sake let's average each player to .15 cents per min.
now we'll make this a 10 lap race ...
so our formula becomes racers x cost/min x laps/min x laps = cash at stake
10 racers x .15/min x 1 lap/min x 10 laps = $15.00
so ... when this race gets up to 20 racers, it's worth $30 ... 30 racers
is worth $45 ... hmmm something to think about
so if I'm joe racer running a 20 lap Tally event and it costs me .15 per
lap to run this thing I've got a potential of $3 at stake. Now if your
you have just cost me $2.85. I guess I can overlook the occasional slipup
but I really don't think any of us wants to get into this thing and continue
to lose money.
just my ramblings :)
btw .. if you can find a calculation error that reduces the costs displayed
here please let me know, however if you find an error that increases the
costs ... please don't tell me I just don't want to know :)