1) If you have the game load your setups AND you set Seperate Quailfying
and Race Setups to "Yes", then when you enter Quick Race, the car setup
will be equal to your QUALIFYING setup.
2) If you go into Practice Any Circuit then go into Quick Race, your car
setup will be equal to what it was for Practice Any Circuit.
That is why you should always go into Practice Any Circuit and verify the
setup before going into Quick Race.
I used to be convinced that this was true, but my little bro' was
convinced it wasn't true so I did a test; I save the setups, noting
down exactly what the one for the "quick race" track was, then started
up again with GPlap running and selected Quick Race instead of Main
Menu. The setup was correctly loaded. Perhaps the cars always feels so
bad at the start of a race that we assume that the setup is wrong, or
perhaps this has changed between version 1.01 and 1.05.
Don't you just hate it when little brothers turn out to be right?
-- Gizmo
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