The ValuJet Racing Team has just opened its new homepage. It is very
humble right now, but look for great things in the future. Please stop
by and visit. The address is
The ValuJet Racing Team has just opened its new homepage. It is very
humble right now, but look for great things in the future. Please stop
by and visit. The address is
: The ValuJet Racing Team has just opened its new homepage. It is very
: humble right now, but look for great things in the future. Please stop
: by and visit. The address is
: Thanks....
Valujet? It's a nice WWW page, but an ugly car.
Daniel G. Drumm
Kyle Langston
---------------------------------------------------------- - NASCAR Racing Central
Nah, I know what goes on behind the closed doors in the airline
business. I have worked for Delta, and they are 10 times worse than
ValuJet has ever been. I have friends who work for other airlines and
they claim they are worse than ValuJet as well. The only thing is,
ValuJet is in the bottom of swamp, and Delta isn't. But I do find it
funny that just 2 weeks prior to the ValuJet crash, an American
Airlines 767 (the most technologically advanced airplane in their
fleet) crashed into a mountain in broad daylight killing twice as many
people and the only thing I saw on it was a little bitty article in
the local paper.
73 de KE4TNK
Lee Mills
ValuJet Racing
** Keep the shiny side up & the hammer down **
*** Ron "Cougar" Riekens II ***
**** Owner - Driver ****
**** Medallion Motorsports/*** Photography ****
*** NASS ARCA Series #96 Pontiac ***
> Nah, I know what goes on behind the closed doors in the airline
> business. I have worked for Delta, and they are 10 times worse than
> ValuJet has ever been. I have friends who work for other airlines and
> they claim they are worse than ValuJet as well. The only thing is,
> ValuJet is in the bottom of swamp, and Delta isn't. But I do find it
> funny that just 2 weeks prior to the ValuJet crash, an American
> Airlines 767 (the most technologically advanced airplane in their
> fleet) crashed into a mountain in broad daylight killing twice as many
> people and the only thing I saw on it was a little bitty article in
> the local paper.
> 73 de KE4TNK
> Lee Mills
> ValuJet Racing
> >>: The ValuJet Racing Team has just opened its new homepage. It is very
> >>: humble right now, but look for great things in the future. Please stop
> >>: by and visit. The address is
> >>:
> >>: Thanks....
> >>Valujet? It's a nice WWW page, but an ugly car.
> >>--
> >>--
> >>Daniel G. Drumm
> >>
> >Valujet? Isn't it some kind of omen to have a sponsor like that?
> > ---------
> >Kyle Langston
> > ----------------------------------------------------------
> > - NASCAR Racing Central
> > ----------------------------------------------------------
<Ty's NASCAR Racing Page ->
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> Nah, I know what goes on behind the closed doors in the airline
> business. I have worked for Delta, and they are 10 times worse than
> ValuJet has ever been. I have friends who work for other airlines and
> they claim they are worse than ValuJet as well. The only thing is,
> ValuJet is in the bottom of swamp, and Delta isn't. But I do find it
> funny that just 2 weeks prior to the ValuJet crash, an American
> Airlines 767 (the most technologically advanced airplane in their
> fleet) crashed into a mountain in broad daylight killing twice as many
> people and the only thing I saw on it was a little bitty article in
> the local paper.
> 73 de KE4TNK
> Lee Mills
> ValuJet Racing
> >>: The ValuJet Racing Team has just opened its new homepage. It is very
> >>: humble right now, but look for great things in the future. Please stop
> >>: by and visit. The address is
> >>:
> >>: Thanks....
> >>Valujet? It's a nice WWW page, but an ugly car.
> >>--
> >>--
> >>Daniel G. Drumm
> >>
> >Valujet? Isn't it some kind of omen to have a sponsor like that?
> > ---------
> >Kyle Langston
> > ----------------------------------------------------------
> > - NASCAR Racing Central
> > ----------------------------------------------------------
<Ty's NASCAR Racing Page ->
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