Yes, there are still 'some' unrealistic ET's and speeds, but that has to do
with the player more than the game. If the player decideds to use a 750hp 4
cyl, that is his/her choice, but If you stick to realistic motors, then yes
the game does a pretty good job. Not perfect by all means, but pretty darn
Example: I entered all the NHRA Pro Stock settings into a setup. It took me
2 days for me to get the setup to run 6.8's. I do now have it running 6.7's,
a tad unrealistic, but much better than the original when i was running
5.6's with the same setup. So far, the best ET I have heard from anyone
since 1.20 was in the low 5's. There probably are a couple out there running
the 12cyl 5000hp motors and may be touching the 4's but not many.
Burnout is well worth the $50
Tim McArthur, President and Founder of:
Simulated Hot Rod Association - over 500 members
>I still don't know how realistic a 750hp normally aspirated 4 cylinder
>low 7 second ETs in a 65 Mustang is, but it sure happens in the game.
>> Does the new 1.2 patch for Burnout bring the Speeds and ET's into the
>>realm of reality? I was considering getting the game, but when I saw the
>>ridiculous numbers people were running, I realized that I probably
>>couldn't get the feeling of plaing a "fantasy" racing game out of my head.
>>Will the 1.2 patch calm my fears?