> HELP!!!
> how can I connect two joysticks ie:one steering wheel and one normal
> stick to my pc running some win95 games and some dos games .
> TIA for any help.
> And if anyone cares-- Halifax Town for the Vauxhall Conference
> Title:-)))
> Cheers
> Ray
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I am assuming you only wish to use one input device at a time?
If that's the case you need a JoySwitch or similer device. I got mine
from Flight Sim Central- http://www.fscentral.com
This little box allows you to switch up to four main control input
devices (wheel, stick, gamepad) and two different sets of pedels,
rudder, etc. The coolest part is that devices not being used still
recieve power to maintain memory for programable controls. I swear by
mine, it's sturdy and very well made for forty bucks U.S.
All the best, Mike Davis
Michael S. Davis
Creative Media-Works
Computer/Audio/Video Convergence
"from Creative minds spring Creative solutions."