Broken Thrustmaster Shifter! Help!

Mark Woy

Broken Thrustmaster Shifter! Help!

by Mark Woy » Sat, 01 Jun 1996 04:00:00

Has anyone had their T1 shifter go bad? In the middle of a
race last night I got stuck in 5th gear. Can the shifter be
repaired? I've heard plenty about the T1's pedal springs, but
I've never seen anything on the shifter. I haven't opened the
thing up yet so I don't know exactly what I'll be dealing with.

Thanx for any input.

Mark A. Woyna                            |
Section Manager - Information Systems    | "No free man shall ever be debarred
Advanced Computer Applications Group     |  the use of arms. The strongest
Decision & Information Sciences Division |  reason for the people to retain the
Argonne National Laboratory              |  right to keep and bear arms is,
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                                         |  themselves against tyranny in


Frank Bloe

Broken Thrustmaster Shifter! Help!

by Frank Bloe » Mon, 03 Jun 1996 04:00:00

> Has anyone had their T1 shifter go bad? In the middle of a
> race last night I got stuck in 5th gear. Can the shifter be
> repaired? I've heard plenty about the T1's pedal springs, but
> I've never seen anything on the shifter. I haven't opened the
> thing up yet so I don't know exactly what I'll be dealing with.

> Thanx for any input.

I did also have some problems with the shifter. I own a T2 though.
I encountered 2 probs when I opened the shifter.
First of all the *** to re-center the shifter was broken. I
replaced it with an ordinary elastic *** wire ( sorry, I don't
know the correct English word ).
Secondly, one of the wires attached to the up-shift switch got
tangled and had worn off its plastic. The worn off bit touched the
switch and made a short circuit so it was inpossible to shift
down because it would shift up again immediately.
I just had to untangle the wire and all probs were gone.

Hope that you can use this info for the T1 ,


John Mela

Broken Thrustmaster Shifter! Help!

by John Mela » Sat, 08 Jun 1996 04:00:00

>> Has anyone had their T1 shifter go bad? In the middle of a
>> race last night I got stuck in 5th gear. Can the shifter be
>> repaired? I've heard plenty about the T1's pedal springs, but
>> I've never seen anything on the shifter. I haven't opened the
>> thing up yet so I don't know exactly what I'll be dealing with.

>> Thanx for any input.

>I did also have some problems with the shifter. I own a T2 though.
>I encountered 2 probs when I opened the shifter.
>First of all the *** to re-center the shifter was broken. I
>replaced it with an ordinary elastic *** wire ( sorry, I don't
>know the correct English word ).
>Secondly, one of the wires attached to the up-shift switch got
>tangled and had worn off its plastic. The worn off bit touched the
>switch and made a short circuit so it was inpossible to shift
>down because it would shift up again immediately.
>I just had to untangle the wire and all probs were gone.
>Hope that you can use this info for the T1 ,

Have you folks contacted Thrustmaster?  I think their customer support
is excellent!  Between multiple requests for pedal springs on my T1
and bad pots on my FCS  they have shipped out repair parts (ok, I'm
technically inclined and can fix these (relatively) simple things
myself) quickly and without charging me a cent!

Check out their web page:

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