If you have the real deal.. In that I mean the retail CD...
Just reinstall it..
>>I did not install SCGT in the default directory now I get an error
>>when I try to run the advanced editor. What is the deault path, I
>>Fool Xtent
>Eh hem...
>Come on.. Come clean....
>Where as?
>Where as...
>If you have the real deal.. In that I mean the retail CD...
>Just reinstall it..
> >I did not install SCGT in the default directory now I get an error
> >when I try to run the advanced editor. What is the deault path, I
> >forget.
> >Fool Xtent
> Eh hem...
> Come on.. Come clean....
> Where as?
> Where as...
> Whereas..
> Whareas
> Warez!
> If you have the real deal.. In that I mean the retail CD...
> Just reinstall it..
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