Out of the box the game works, but I get pink splashes with the
voodoo2! if I use f1rs109v.exe I get the 'GCD_Init error'
Please E-mail me the file, or show me a link.
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Please E-mail me the file, or show me a link.
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I am wondering if the 109 patch you downloaded somehow got corrupted and
trashed your F1RS executable? Try uninstalling F1RS and obtain a
"fresh" copy of the patch and try again. Also, if you are not using the
"reference" drivers for the Voodoo2, try them
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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>Please E-mail me the file, or show me a link.
>I appreciate you reading this.........