> I've got Project Gotham Racing and Rallisport Challenge. I'm not that into
> Nascar. I see that most of you guys use the pc for your F12002....... does
> it suck on Xbox?
Most of us use F1 2002 for the PC because that is what we already own... a
I don't know if F1 2002 for the X-Box is different or not, but there's lots
of review sites out there... http://xbox.ign.com/ e.g.
Halo is indeed rumoured to be very good. If you got cash to burn Medal of
Honour should probably also be on your shopping list.
Some games lend themselves more to wheel control than others... if the game
was more or less specifically writting for pads, using a wheel is a futile
exercise. Wheel support should be analog/linear to benifit from it, IMO.
I don't believe EA is going to make a F1 2002 for the Xbox. I have F1 2002
for the PS2, it is not that much different than F1 2001, so I would
recommend F1 2001 for the Xbox. Halo is a fun game also.
I would highly recommend Rallisport, especially if you like Rally Trophy
or Colin McRae Rally 2 on the PC.
Homepage - http://www.umich.edu/~epickett
My .sig file is in the shop for repairs...
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> Mikkel
> > I've got Project Gotham Racing and Rallisport Challenge. I'm not that
> into
> > Nascar. I see that most of you guys use the pc for your F12002.......
> does
> > it suck on Xbox? Should I just get Halo instead (I really prefer racing
> > games). I've got the Madcatz wheel, but I prefer not using it on the
> games
> > that I have.
I bought it thinking it'd be the same as PC but to my shock it was the worst
F1 game I've ever played and I took it back 2 weeks later.
Get GP4 when it comes out, that should be great. HALO is a must, as is
Rallisport challenge and PGR. Fifa 2002 is also awesome.
> >Get Halo... F1-2002 for the Xbox is a stinker !!
> >Halo is the first FPS I have ever completed, it's a fascinating
> >for a simracer like me... great fun ;)
> >Mikkel
> FPS games are ***on console systems because they lack mouse and
> keyboard support.