connections - the usual 9 pin joystick socket, and a USB connector.
If I connect to the USB, windows (winME) asks me for an installation disk.
The software for the wheel is just in an .exe file, but the thrustmaster
site says that the wheel is designed to work without any software in
ME/2000/XP,using MS drivers, and that all that is required is to plug the
device in and it should be identified.
I'm beginning to think that my computer, which had windowsME pre-installed,
is missing a lot of files, as when I plugged the device in on my friends PC
it identified it straight away. My PC is a year old.
I have a windowsME product recovery disc, but what/how should I use it to
allow my USB sockets to start being able to identify what is being slotted
in? It applies to any device I try to install - they are recognised as being
connected, but then have a yellow question mark against their name as
'product unknown'.
If I plug the wheel in it always recognised as the ferrari wheel but then it
tries to look for installation drivers.
Any suggestions?