I bought N2 a wile ago when I had a CPU that couldn't run it, plus I
don't like NASCAR much. After ordering a Dell 200MMX I am thinking that
N2 might be worth a 2nd chance. I'd like to ask some questions about N2
so all of U can help me decide.
Are the bugs really that bad? I mean, do they ruin races or are they
just slightly anoying?
I herd some earlier gripes about the AI. Is it really worse than
prevous Papy sims? I find the ICR2 AI to be poor, if it is any worse
than I'm not intrested.
Hows the FPS? With my 200MMX and Rendition would I get 30 fps with
everything on?
For those of U who liked GP2 most before N2, what to you think now?
Is TEN going to be afforadible? My ISP=SUX so I would have to get that
.95 per min local thing + 30$ per month. I'd like to know if TEN will
ever switch to some sort of true flat rate as racing and thinking "that
race cost me XXX$" isnt much fun.
Is N2 playable over KAIL? Is it popular on KAIL? I only played N2 on
KAIL once and I was very displeased. Cars would warp, jumping all over
the track, it was unplayable. Is it ok now or will I have to wait for
56 modems to become standard?
is anyone else in the 216 area code intrested in N2? I already know of
one guy that said he races NASCAR I and II but I would need at least 2
more guys
Please answer THANX