Hello Fellow R.A.S. readers
I don't really know if joining a league is for everyone.... But this much I would like:
I'd like to join up with a bunch of people who would like to sign on to Hawaii at a
pre-determined time to run some track other than Talladega.
It's hard to find people to run at other tracks....and if I can only find 2 or three
others to run a track, I'd rather run head-to-head locally and save the LD charges.
So, anyone else up for that?
I don't mind waiting for the weekend for it to happen. It wouldn't have to be a
"members only" thing or a "you must race to keep your score up" thing. It could be
just a timeslot for the "let's run a fun track where we actually shift and use the
brakes" thing.
<insert 7up commercial music: "yeah, it's an UP thing..."
Mike -aka Dr2/Hawaii.
lover of the sims
user of the brakes.
shifter of the .... uh.... shifter.
singer of TV commercials in the shower. (only) :-)