> I am intrested in joining a serious series on Hawaii.
> What I am looking for is 20 to 30% races With D/Y/P.
> Running a full season. I would'nt mind jumping into
> the middle of a season. I know I would start with 0
> point but that would'nt matter to me. I am a skill level
> 4 possibly a 5 after this weekend and never out to crash
> anyone. If there are any leagues out there that could use
> Chuck Norton
The IVGA is starting a MP League just like the one you described. We start on Tuesday
for Busch and ARCA, and Thursday for Winston Cup. All you have to do is be a member of
will be for serious racers. All races will be moniterd very closely. Any
foolishness will result in you being kicked out for good! Hurry and sign up!
Josh Carr
Offical Channel Operator (#ivgacsnc, on undernet)
International Video Gamers Association, Inc.
IVGA Headquarters:
International Video Gamers Association, Inc. (IVGA)
14100 Walsingham Avenue
Suite 36
Largo, FL 34644
Voice: (813) 596-6661