Hi !
Got a Geforce Guillemot Prophet SDR last week.
Implemented it in the AGP port:, where it replaces a TNT 16Mo from STB.
But dispointment when running 3D car racing sims:
15/16 fps using OpenGL on my new Prophet, with flickering mirrors...
Unusable, and frustrating.
I know GPL is quite an old game ( 12 months old !! ), so what do new ones
give ?
- Spirit of Speed 1937: runs nicely with the Voodoo. But when swithched to
the Prophet and DirectX7: the two front wheels of the cars are linked by
black lines, like sort of a harvesting machine !! And a lot of elements from
the ladscape are scattered on the track itself !! Unplayable at all.
- TOCA 2: Ok with the VooDoo, flickering and full of artefacts when switched
to the Prophet.
I certainly missed something....
Thanks in advance for any help provided.
Current system:
RAM 128 Mb PC100 ECC
Prophet SDR
VooDoo 2 from Guillemot
Creative 32x CD ROM drive
Yamaha 6416 SCSI CD graver
Thrustmaster F1 wheel
Philips 109 MP 19" monitor
Win 98
> > >What objections? I see two responses here; yours and Andrew's.
> > I guess you just see what you want to see, I've seen at least five
> > people challenge you.
> > > I'm just
> > >saying that DirectX poses no threat to anyone's system if configured
> > >properly.
> > You are incorrect. Period. It had serious bugs.
> > Joe McGinn
> Joe,
> I held off installing DX7 after reading all the negative posts. But
> when DX7a was released, I read both the pro and cons, and decided to give
> a try. GPL & Nas3 run just fine. Both sims seem to be a little brighter
> with the same gamma settings. The hesitation that I got at when I entered
> track was now gone. I can't honestly say that I can see or feel anything
> else. I do use a MSFF wheel, and it seems exactly the same as before.
> Joel Willstein