WSC - possible problem...


WSC - possible problem...

by MichaelJ » Wed, 31 May 2000 04:00:00

I must admit the previews of WSC look incredible, and if the game lives
up to the graphics, it might be the first game to contend with GPL since
its release.

However, I'm a bit worried about the graphics showing older sports
prototypes and GT1 cars such as the Maclaren F1, and the Mercedes
prototype from some years ago.

I wouldn't bother me buying an early 90's sportscar sim, but I'd have
thought this would kill the sim for the mass market.

Anyone know if they intend to purchase an up-to-date license for this
sim? If they do, there isn't much time to implement tracks, cars etc. for
the proposed Q4 2000 release. I hope they know what they're doing...

- Michael

Kenneth Verbur

WSC - possible problem...

by Kenneth Verbur » Wed, 31 May 2000 04:00:00

Well, there is also a Ferrari 333SP, which is still pretty new (won the
championship last year), so...

Kenneth Verburg
Editor-in-Chief, High Gear

Matthew B.Knutse

WSC - possible problem...

by Matthew B.Knutse » Wed, 31 May 2000 04:00:00

hmm, I've seen a Panoz, 333SP, (still going) Sintura,  and who knows what
the Wests have up their sleeve?

Anyway, have there been any great sportscars since? Of course I'm hoping for
as many prototypes as possible (BMW, Audi, Lola, Caddillac et al) but the
GTs racing today are a bore compared (Viper, Porsche 9something, Lister).
Anyways, I don't need Need For Speed with a proper physics engine - I want
racecars! Not boulevard cruisers....:)

But most of all I cross my fingers for a nice car editor:-D

(still drooling)

Toni Lassi

WSC - possible problem...

by Toni Lassi » Wed, 31 May 2000 04:00:00

>Anyone know if they intend to purchase an up-to-date license for this
>sim? If they do, there isn't much time to implement tracks, cars etc. for
>the proposed Q4 2000 release. I hope they know what they're doing...

A license for what? The current crop of wimpy GT2-3 cars they race in
the FIA GT? I don't even know if there are any proper GT1 series going
on at the moment (ALMS is really more about prototypes, then those
would be neat as well).
Jan Verschuere

WSC - possible problem...

by Jan Verschuere » Wed, 31 May 2000 04:00:00

If the West brothers are smart they forget about the mass market and charge
us poor slavering fools $500 for the game. ;-))


Ed Solhei

WSC - possible problem...

by Ed Solhei » Wed, 31 May 2000 04:00:00

> If the West brothers are smart they forget about the mass market and
> us poor slavering fools $500 for the game. ;-))

If the sim  is as good as it sounds... I'll gladly pay that price for a

And I bet I'm not alone!

Terrifying tought - isn't it!
All the best,
Ed Solheim
** Proud member of the GPLEA **
(Remove SPAM-GUARD in address to reply)


WSC - possible problem...

by m.seer » Wed, 31 May 2000 04:00:00

As I understand things, included in the package will be a car and track
editor. The source code is also of an open nature so as to make add ons and
modifications very easy.

I'm sure we will not have to wait too long for the more creative and
industrious amongst us to work things out and come up with a multitude of



WSC - possible problem...

by m.seer » Wed, 31 May 2000 04:00:00

OK Ed.

I heard it on heresay anyway so I was just repeating a rumour I guess.
Still, If all else is true, as stated in another post here, I'd be happy to
be driving stock cars towing caravans <G>


> > As I understand things, included in the package will be a car and track
> > editor. The source code is also of an open nature so as to make add ons
> and
> > modifications very easy.

> Sorry to disappoint you here Mark... but this is what Chris posed on the
> High Gear forum a day or so ago:

> Originally posted by West Racing:
> "Hi There
> Just to save some confusion later on, the Track and Car editor will not be
> in the first release of the game. We plan to do that as an add on later

> Chris

> --
> All the best,
> Ed Solheim
> ** Proud member of the GPLEA **
> (Remove SPAM-GUARD in address to reply)

Ed Solhei

WSC - possible problem...

by Ed Solhei » Wed, 31 May 2000 04:00:00

> As I understand things, included in the package will be a car and track
> editor. The source code is also of an open nature so as to make add ons
> modifications very easy.

Sorry to disappoint you here Mark... but this is what Chris posed on the
High Gear forum a day or so ago:

Originally posted by West Racing:
"Hi There
Just to save some confusion later on, the Track and Car editor will not be
in the first release of the game. We plan to do that as an add on later on."


All the best,
Ed Solheim
** Proud member of the GPLEA **
(Remove SPAM-GUARD in address to reply)

Dave Henri

WSC - possible problem...

by Dave Henri » Wed, 31 May 2000 04:00:00

  From the sound of it...WSC will be just as easily modified as SCGT.
If will only take a few months before the new cars show up.  In
fact, if you buy say a 2000 season sim, then it will be old by
xmas...the private car builders can update much faster than a company
that must remake the sim every year or two...
  It is still too early to get giddy about this title, but it certainly
is looking promising.
dave henrie

> I must admit the previews of WSC look incredible, and if the game lives
> up to the graphics, it might be the first game to contend with GPL since
> its release.

> However, I

Kevin Gavit

WSC - possible problem...

by Kevin Gavit » Wed, 31 May 2000 04:00:00

Not only is it unlikely that the car and track editor will appear in a later
release or as an add on, (this is just plain good marketing, ain't it? but
it will help them get the game out the door, and people hooked on it, at the
earliest possible time),BUT.....

you are confused as to the nature of the core of the game. The structure of
the game will be "open" in the sense that it won't be locked up in a way to
PREVENT the end user from modifying it. The source code will be just as
closed as any other commercial release. It will be designed so that cars and
tracks "plug in" and  all performance parameters will be user editable,
perhaps with plain text files. This is what would be called an open
structure, unlike, say, F1RS. This is a far cry from open source. It is,
none the less, the way a sim OUGHT to be made from the standpoint of being a
good program and a good tool.  There is no reason whatso ever that N3/NL and
GPL couldn't be just one single sim with plug in add ons. Only marketing.

This is not neccessarily to say that people won't be modifying it right off
the bat, look at what is done with other sims without the express ablility
and permissions of the authors built into it. Official car and track editor
be damned I'll bet it's going to be a damn sight easier to monkey with than,
say, SCGT or GPL are.

Olav K. Malm

WSC - possible problem...

by Olav K. Malm » Wed, 31 May 2000 04:00:00

> > As I understand things, included in the package will be a car and track
> > editor. The source code is also of an open nature so as to make add ons
> and
> > modifications very easy.

> > I'm sure we will not have to wait too long for the more creative and
> > industrious amongst us to work things out and come up with a multitude of
> > goodies.

> Not only is it unlikely that the car and track editor will appear in a later
> release or as an add on, (this is just plain good marketing, ain't it? but
> it will help them get the game out the door, and people hooked on it, at the
> earliest possible time),BUT.....

> you are confused as to the nature of the core of the game. The structure of
> the game will be "open" in the sense that it won't be locked up in a way to
> PREVENT the end user from modifying it. The source code will be just as
> closed as any other commercial release. It will be designed so that cars and
> tracks "plug in" and  all performance parameters will be user editable,
> perhaps with plain text files. This is what would be called an open
> structure, unlike, say, F1RS. This is a far cry from open source. It is,
> none the less, the way a sim OUGHT to be made from the standpoint of being a
> good program and a good tool.  There is no reason whatso ever that N3/NL and
> GPL couldn't be just one single sim with plug in add ons. Only marketing.

It looks like this will be to program we will all be waiting for. A
core sim where we can put in whatever car and track we like. They say
that a script-language to define series will also be in the sim. <Pure
Speculation> One reason they make is a sportscar sim first ? A
sportscar contains all the elements that needs to be modeled in any
other car </Pure Speculation>

Can anyone say CART ? 80's F1 ? 30's F1 ?

I really hope they make a rock solid multiplayer system to not allow
people showing up with 2000 HP homemade cars :) But then again, it
would be interesting with a league with some limitations on engine and
measurments, and then up to the driver to make the car himself.

My only fear is the good old quote "If it's too good to be true, it
probably is"

Olav K. Malmin
remove spam when replying

Graeme Nas

WSC - possible problem...

by Graeme Nas » Wed, 31 May 2000 04:00:00

From reading the preview it seems the game will
include loads of cars from historics right through to modern cars, and
loads of tracks have already been made. They're just waiting for
licenses to see which ones will be in?

Graeme Nash

Kevin Gavit

WSC - possible problem...

by Kevin Gavit » Wed, 31 May 2000 04:00:00

A scripting system to put in different series is no harder to impliment for
the original coder than a carset manager is.

The only  reason every sim dosn't have one is that authors don't want us to
have one. They want to sell us every series seperately.

Even in GPL to write an "aftermarket" series scripter would be no more
difficult to impliment than GPLSeason was.

A season is defined in a plain text file. Simply write a vbs  that takes the
text for each track, inserts it into a new document, and renumbers the
tracks. Then replace the existing tracks document with the newly generated
one.A programing newbie could tackle it as a first project with every
expectation of succeding. With all the tracks currently available I'm
surprised noone has done it already.

I've been figuring on doing it myself if I ever get around to starting a
USAC oval league.

Anyway, the things that the West Bros. say they are going to give us are
great. I look forward to them and sincerly hope they deliver, but the fact
is they arn't doing anything revolutionary, we'll only be getting the user
support that FPS and RPG players have enjoyed for years, including actual
open source code, but the auto sim companies have been denying us.

Kai Fulle

WSC - possible problem...

by Kai Fulle » Wed, 31 May 2000 04:00:00

You know the Vipers and Porsche 911's aren't the top of the line GT1 cars.
They're like GT2's from SCGT, at least in the ALMS the Vipers are a class
down from the open-top supercars.

I personally am looking forward to the "Boulevard cruisers" I like driving
cars that are more stock that super cars.

> hmm, I've seen a Panoz, 333SP, (still going) Sintura,  and who knows what
> the Wests have up their sleeve?

> Anyway, have there been any great sportscars since? Of course I'm hoping
> as many prototypes as possible (BMW, Audi, Lola, Caddillac et al) but the
> GTs racing today are a bore compared (Viper, Porsche 9something, Lister).
> Anyways, I don't need Need For Speed with a proper physics engine - I want
> racecars! Not boulevard cruisers....:)

> But most of all I cross my fingers for a nice car editor:-D

> Matt
> (still drooling)

> > I must admit the previews of WSC look incredible, and if the game lives
> > up to the graphics, it might be the first game to contend with GPL since
> > its release.

> > However, I'm a bit worried about the graphics showing older sports
> > prototypes and GT1 cars such as the Maclaren F1, and the Mercedes
> > prototype from some years ago.

> > I wouldn't bother me buying an early 90's sportscar sim, but I'd have
> > thought this would kill the sim for the mass market.

> > Anyone know if they intend to purchase an up-to-date license for this
> > sim? If they do, there isn't much time to implement tracks, cars etc.
> > the proposed Q4 2000 release. I hope they know what they're doing...

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