This is just a preliminary question for a friend. I know the right
procedures to go through to try and solve the problem, but the problem is
not mine and the computer having the problem is not here, so I am hoping
maybe someone with a similar experience can give a quick hint on a solution
I could pass his way until I can get over there and fix it for him.
This guy got a LWFF for his birthday along with whatever comes packaged
with it (SCGT?) He also got Midtown Madness. He tells me he installed the
wheel and MMM and it just locks up when he goes to play it. He has an ATI
video card and reports that it uses the Rage Pro chipset. I'm quoting from
what he told me, he wouldn't know how to figure out the chipset, so it must
say it someplace (setup screens for MMM?).
His computer is a Compaq Pentium II, I think a 350Mhz. He is also
running Win95. I told him to upgrade to Win98, uninstall the video card
drivers and the LWFF and get the most recent versions of DirectX, his video
driver and the LWFF software. I also told him to kill everything else that
was running when he started the game, etc. I know the drill. He can get it
to run in software mode, but it is ugly.
My question is just if anyone has had a similar experience with this
combo of hardware and this game. He also says whatever game comes with it
doesn't run, either.
thanks for any help,