>Goto http://www.avault.com/previews/gplp1.asp
I agree that the screenshots are great, but the article is badly
written indeed. This is what happens if you let people without a (sim)
racing background write about a racing sim...
"Something unique about racing in 1967 was that the cars were
less technical. Basically they were big engines strapped to a
frame that could hold them. Tires were not specially matched
like they are today, so every little change could have an
effect on how the car feels and reacts to your movements."
Oh, is that so? Independent wheel suspension, monococques, up to V16
engines, 6-speed transmissions - yes, that's definitely low tech. ;)
And today, when we have "matched tires", little changes in damper
settings etc. have no effect on how the car handles? Or what?
"There will not be any super hero drivers, but there are plenty
of famous racers included in with the game, including Jim
Clark, Dan Gruny, Dennis Hulme, and Chris Amon."
Oh well, everybody has a different idea of what a "super hero driver"
is, I guess... "Jim Clark? Never heard of him, but they tell me he's
famous." BTW, the other guy's name is Dan GURNEY, creator and driver
of the Eagle cars.
There's one interesting bit of new info in that article, though:
"On July 8, 1998 racing fans are going to be offered a whole
new level of racing with Grand Prix Legends."
Wonder if this release date is authorized. Judging from Papyrus'
previous policy in these matters, I guess it's not.
Wolfgang Preiss \ E-mail copies of replies to this posting are welcome.
wopr"at"stud.uni-sb.de \ There is no "2" in my real e-mail address.
Uni des Saarlands \ Sorry for the inconvenience. You know why.