This may sound stupid, but is this F1GP game that everyone talks about on
here the same thing as World Circuit?
I've never seen anything called F1GP in the stores (at least I don't
remember seeing anything like that)
This may sound stupid, but is this F1GP game that everyone talks about on
here the same thing as World Circuit?
I've never seen anything called F1GP in the stores (at least I don't
remember seeing anything like that)
Take time to read around, and you will discover F1GP/WC all over the place...
YES, it is the same game, but the US release was WC, because somebody
already had the name patented (or something like that)...The European
version is called F1GP.
JuLiUs RoBeRtS
dEpArTmEnT oF cOmPuTeR sCiEnCe
UnIvErSiTy Of TaSmAnIa, AuStRaLiA
Yep, in the US F1GP is known as World Circuit - they are essentially
the same thing.
| (3rd Yr Comp-Sci) WWW: |
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| Amiga Developer - author of F1GP-Ed, ButtonMenu, CDRun and F1GP-LapSet |
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+==== Amiga F1GP stuff - ====+