GP2 slow-motion with modem !?!

Harri Sundbe

GP2 slow-motion with modem !?!

by Harri Sundbe » Fri, 20 Sep 1996 04:00:00

Am I and my friend the only ones who have modem troubles ?
Two Pentiums connected with 28800 modems and the game looks like
a slide show in slow-motion.
We tried several baud rates but nothing helped.The game is still
unplayable (frame rate somewhere 2-5 fps!).Indycar2 works just fine with
same modem setups.
Please reply if you have any ideas about the problem.A wild quess is
better than nothing.

Harri Sundberg

Robert Berryhi

GP2 slow-motion with modem !?!

by Robert Berryhi » Fri, 20 Sep 1996 04:00:00

>Am I and my friend the only ones who have modem troubles ?
>Two Pentiums connected with 28800 modems and the game looks like
>a slide show in slow-motion.
>We tried several baud rates but nothing helped.The game is still
>unplayable (frame rate somewhere 2-5 fps!).Indycar2 works just fine with
>same modem setups.
>Please reply if you have any ideas about the problem.A wild quess is
>better than nothing.
>Harri Sundberg

You have to run in VGA & only texture trackside objects & only show
smoke in the mirrors, then it will work ok. Also set detail to Low or
None. This is the only way I've found to help.  Also have the fastest
computer be the one that calls the other computer.

Austin, Tx       
Scott Pruett 1997 PPG Cup Champion!

Rene van Lobbereg

GP2 slow-motion with modem !?!

by Rene van Lobbereg » Mon, 23 Sep 1996 04:00:00

> Am I and my friend the only ones who have modem troubles ?
> Two Pentiums connected with 28800 modems and the game looks like
> a slide show in slow-motion.
> We tried several baud rates but nothing helped.The game is still
> unplayable (frame rate somewhere 2-5 fps!).Indycar2 works just fine with
> same modem setups.
> Please reply if you have any ideas about the problem.A wild quess is
> better than nothing.

> Harri Sundberg
> Are you using the standard init-string ? I guess so, since I (and also

others in ras) found it to be terrible and we (my friend and I) tried the
string we used in Doom what was a major improvement.
Also, what modem you do have ? (make, type, speed) Only the speed doesn't
say what init-string you need. Even so, two modems, both Rockwell-based
and claimed to be Hayes-compatible can have different command-sets.
Wether it is Rockwell-based you can check by looking for a big chip on the
modem with 'Rockwell' on it.
If you have a Rockwell-based Hayes-compatible modem then one of the
following init-strings might work :

  9600 : ATS37=9N0S46=0&Q0&K0%C0 ..(Zoom 14k4 fax/modem) ............modem fixed at 9600
  9600 : AT%C0\N0B8 ...............(markless 28k8 fax/modem) ........modem fixed at 9600
  14k4 : ATS37=11N0S46=0&Q0&K0%C0 .(Zoom 14k4 fax/modem) ............modem fixed at 14k4
  28k8 : AT%C0\N0B15 ..............(markless 28k8 fax/modem) ........modem fixed at 28k8
  28k8 : AT%C0\N0&K0 ..............(Dynalink 1428VQH 28k8 fax/modem) modemspeed determined
                                                                            by negotiation
  If you need the strings with B8 or B15, the value sets the speed,
  and 10 or 11 will set it to 14k4 (I don't have this modem, so I
  don't know the exact value for sure), you should be able to find
  this in your modem-manual.

  (In all strings the 0's are zero's, not capital o's)

Also, what Pentiums do you have ? 60,75,90,100,120,133,150,166?
On 60 to 90's you should link in VGA.
We are using two 120's. I don't acually know what graphics settings my
friend has, but he likes to see some stuff in his mirrors.
The settings I'm using are :
  While not linking : SVGA, Fences, Track, Hills, Trackside objects
                      No plot and therefor no texture in mirrors
                      All trackside objects
                      Estimated framerate 17.0 , I set it at 13.4
  While direct-linking : SVGA, Fences, Hills, Trackside objects
                         No plot and therefor no texture in mirrors
                         All trackside objects
                         Framerate set to 12.8
  While modem-linking : Same as with direct, but fps set to 12.1 or 11.8

When you're using two different Pentiums, then the slower must be the
leader. The 'follow'-er gets a hard load to pull and probably will let
off steam every now and then.
While in menu's presing Ctrl-M brings up a chatwindow.


 Dreammaster rules again

Windows.....brings you yesterdays speed today.

Paul Marti

GP2 slow-motion with modem !?!

by Paul Marti » Tue, 24 Sep 1996 04:00:00

I'm having the same problem unfortunately. We're connecting two Hayes
Optima 288's and it still runs slowly (and jerky - fast, slow, fast, slow).
You'd think two Hayes modems connecting wouldn't have a problem. You'd also
think that Microprose would put a lot more effort into the multiplay
facilities on a game like F1GP2. There better be a very good patch on the
way soon.

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