I just wanted to post to try to give this group a little perspective. I am
the Customer Service Manager at ThrustMaster, Inc. Your satisfaction
guarantees that I have a job. Actually it is more accurate to say that the
satisfaction of the greatest number of ThrustMaster customers is
guarantee's my employment. You did not specify how many springs you
replaced in your T2. That was an acknowledged problem, but it was not a
problem with 100% of our users. This group needs to realize that a) you
actually represent a very small portion of the buying community b) you
admit again and again that you use the daylights out of your products.
This is not to say that we do not value this group. We do. You are the
worst case scenario that we try to build our products to satisfy. Aside
from the pot on your Nascar, what other quality issue did you run into?
Some people have had problems with our springs, but I assure you, I get to
see all of the numbers, how many we have sold versus how many springs I
have shipped. That number is less than half of a percent. This group sees
the problem more because they use the wheel more strenuously and
consistently than the average user. We should have over designed the
springs on the Nascar to accomodate this fact. I was pretty pissed off
when we got the first call about broken Nascar springs. I thought we left
that problem with the T2. Again, it is a small threshold problem, but one
that frequents this group. I can only try to fix the problem and take care
of the customer. As far as pots go. I have had exactly 15 requests for
pots for the Nascar since we started selling it. I assure you that is a
TINY number. Not even a hundredth of a percent of the total number of
Nascar's we have sold. I am sorry that you had this problem, but that is
why manufacturers offer a warranty. We will take care of you. 14 days
should be an extreme estimate of the total time required to repair your
wheel, I'll check with my group to make sure they are giving the right
information. You have to ship it to us (6 days assuming ground shipment),
we have to recieve it (1 day), repair it, (2 days as it waits in line)
then we ship it to you (2 days because we ship back to you via air
shipment). Total time: 10 days. We should quote 48 to 72 hour turnaround
once we recieve it, then 2 days to get to you. If you ship it slow, it
takes longer, if you ship it fast, it goes faster.
As far as phone wait times. Our message quoted 15 to 25 minute waits but
also told that hold times vary throughout the day and to be prepared for
an extended wait. We have taken 9,000 phone calls since December 15th. We
are doing our best to get everyone taken care of. We have mowed through
6,000 emails since then as well. Now I understand that you could say
"Jeez, your product must suck" Well, 30 % of my phone calls are game
setups, helping people get their products working in a game, that is
typically documented either in our documentation or the game's
documentation. Throw in the fact that Nascar2 is shipping with the need
for the patches and we get quite stacked up. The rest is divided between
joystick setup (using win95 control panel or Propanel), part/service
requests, issues that aren't my problem, presales calls and general
information calls. There is a balance required to make sense of a service
organization. It does not make economic sense to hire 80 people for two
months when 6 can take care of it by adding longer hold times for an extra
month. The hold times reflected in our message are an accurate AVERAGE.
Remember that averages are made up of big number and small numbers. Some
people got through in 5 minutes on that day. I am sorry you got the losing
number in the hold time lotto. I am striving to provide satisfactory
venues of communication.
We are striving to process email parts requests within 3 days of reciept.
Add six more days to arrive by US Mail and you get 9 days. My guys should
be quoting 7 to 10 days. I have one of my guys going through this thread
and checking the status of each person who said they were still waiting.
Why don't you (RAS in general) tell me what you think is good service. We
used to pick up the phone in less than 10 minutes (we will get back to
that as volume decreases), then we would ship the same day, or next day. I
consider that to be EXCELLENT service. It may not be possible to keep up
with the way we used to do business. We are shipping in volumes that
boggle the mind. This is good for us, but can be bad for the long time
customer who is used to the small business feeling that we had. No one in
this industry has an 800 number, last time I did a poll, hold times were
15 minutes for all of them. It is easy to pick up the phone in 5 minutes
when you only sell 25 units a month.
I do mean it when I ask you to tell me what you expect. I have been
contemplating putting in a voicemail box for parts requests. The part that
takes the most time is answering the email to confirm that we have gotten
your message. I don't think that is necessary. I want to just get your
information, slap it into my database and know that it will get shipped in
the next 3 days, maybe sooner. Do you need confirmation?
Again, tell me what you think is reasonable. Please email me directly at
let me know and I will check into it for you. We are not that far behind
so 14 days seems ridiculous.
Again, I apologize for any difficulties you may have had and hope that
this message may give you some perspective.
Thanks for your time, patience and support.
Steven T.A. Carter
Customer Service Manager
ThrustMaster, Inc.
> I spent 2 years replacing springs (and a bungee cord)
> on a Tmaster T-2 wheel. When the new "Nascar Pro" wheel
> came out, I thought I'd give them another shot, hoping
> the quality had improved. It had not.
> About 6 months after purchasing a Nascar Pro wheel, my car
> (in N2) developed an occasional sudden jerk to the left.
> I completely uninstalled N2, patched back to the current
> version and the problem remained.
> Long story short, appears it's a bad steering pot in the
> wheel.
> Emailed Tmaster, four days to reply. Replied to their mail,
> still (3 days) and not heard back.
> I just finished a tech support call with Thrustmaster.
> The recording said wait times were from 15-25 minutes.
> MY wait time was about 50 minutes AND I pay for the call.
> After all this, the best they can do is an approx 2 week
> turnaround for repair. No refunds unless Curcuit City would
> take back something I've had for 6 months. (figure the odds)
> "There is no special treatment" was what I was told from
> Tmaster.
> Seems to me if I've spent two years fixing a product that was
> engineered poorly, gave your company another chance and got
> another lemon, you darn well owe me fantastic service.
> If you're considering buying a wheel, do yourself a favor and
> buy something else. Pay the extra money for a TSW. I've heard
> great things about them. I emailed them about wait times for
> new TSWs and heard back the next day.
> To say I'm disappointed in Tmaster is an understatement. To say
> I think their service is below par is a gross understatement. To say I
> believe the quality of their products is poor is being generous.
> These are my opinions and if you've had better luck, count your
> blessings.
> Guess I'll order a TSW (which is probably what I should have done
> to begin with), anyone want a good deal on a Nascar Pro
> wheel in a few weeks?
> -Kev
> nxs.net is the domain and kf-lan is the username