> > Playing RBR at the weekend with my 5 year old son around, I wrapped the
> > car around a tree and the audio launched into "ouch, shit". Now I am a
> > modern parent (not in the Viz mode though!), but I don't want my 5 year
> > old running around the playground yelling that out, and he sometimes
> > plays RBR (he likes crashing!). Is there any way to turn that
> > particular bit of vocal feedback off?
> Perhaps there's a WAV or MP3 file somewhere in the program directory that
> can be replaced (rename the old version, don't delete it).
Don't think there is. It looks like all audio files are stored in the
audio.dat file (think that's it). Apparently this can be extracted and
all files copied to an audio folder that you would need to create.
Possibly then the file would then be changeable. Not sure how to
extract from the .dat file though.
Pete Ives
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