> >Well so how about this one then, you make an additional mode, call it
> >arcade, with the appropriate driving model for such, reducing the the
> >number of physichs parameters that the game relates to, and also then
> >lowering the system specs for "arcade mode", it`s not needed anyway and
> >more people could enjoy it as such, two for one more or less
> Mmmm, but as I mentioned.....
> >> Trouble is, as a
> >> sim fan I want sim titles to do really well AND to be be as accurate
> >> and realistic as possible - addition of an arcade mode will inevitably
> >> detract from the sim mode, and to what extent will depend upon the
> >> developer.
> I personally would like to see such a thing, but it takes time, and
> time which would detract from one or the other. It would take longer
> than making a game, and it would take longer than making a sim. Some
> economies would occur, such as being able to share graphics, track and
> car models etc, but it would inevitably take longer. It could be done
> though, as GP2 showed - it probably showed how much time and delay we
> could expect also!
Not being a software person myself, I`d thought that just using the
basic software engine from GPL and just "dumbing it down" a bit could be
done fairly easily, maybe it could even be "farmed out" at relaively low
cost and not even adding much to the development time
Now we all assume here that GPL is a fairly "narrow" title and not
really aimed at the mass-market, so it should be fairly easy to increase
sales by a fair amount by adding an "arcade mode" that also lower the
system specs a fair bit, there`s plenty of customers in our shop here
that buys anything that has wheels attached to it, but are put off by
GPL`s _very_ high system demands, I`m sure I`ve could`ve doubled or
tripled _my_ sales, but then again the customer base is too small to
make any conclusions, so....
I`m not dissatisfied with this sim, in fact the reason I`m wondering
about this I really want Papy to make as much money as possible, that
would make it so much easier for them to come out with another "narrow"
project such as this, I`d love to see a 50`s or 60`s GT sim on this
engine, and a Touringcar sim and.......
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
Also known as Frosty the Snowman these days, boy I hate the winter,
standing out in the snow yeasterday changing to snow tyres was NOT one
of my more memorable moments, but considering there are 2 - 3 inches of
snow here right now, it probably had to be done...