Ay...more than 8 would be nice.
But i have to say that the multi races i've done sofar..with 6 in one
game are super steady..no warp..no lag..no very *** collisions due
to lag...you can actually bump into someone gently without the fear of
causing the 'collision explosion' ala GPL and N2002, which is a big
releave...drives much more relaxed.
Had a few great side by side races sofar...gently bumping each other
but it all went peachy...
The split axis as you say has to be implemented..and it would indeed
be great to have some real life circuits and 3rd party openness...
But apart from that ( no clue as to how they see the product
themselves...half finished...allmost finished...and if they are
planning to improve the physics even more gggg )..i already think this
is a total GPL killer...nothing on my HD comes close to this...
and i fear from now on i will not play anything else:)))
Sheeesshh...out of the blue it comes..it sees..it strikes...it rules..
This is better than sex....
The king is dead..long live the king...
On Mon, 19 Aug 2002 14:40:59 GMT, "Jan Verschueren"
>Not just you. This is good, IMO, very good.
>Should it grow to encompass many roadgoing cars, some "real life" circuits
>(and allow for 3rd party creation of such) and "more than 8" multiplayers we
>have got a GPL beater on our hands. All it needs is split axis support and a
>bit of code optimalisation (then again... I got it maxed out in 1024x768,
>maybe I should drop some detail instead <g>) and we're set, basically.
>"Willem" wrote...
>> Is it me or is this the first sim i'm driving that actually
>> compares very favorbably to real life.
>> GPL...luuuve it but far too slippery, and i mean in
>> comparison to real life it's probably too slippery...not
>> just my taste here.
>> N2002..luuuve it too...but still...somehow it doesn't feel
>> completely convincing..apart from drafting weirdness and
>> other know quirks. This demo thingie...oversteer..
>> understeer..it all feels rather excellent..predictable...
>> Apart from the real life seat of the pants feeling which
>> is impossible in any sim anyways this does feel a *lot* like
>> the car i drive in real life...just a tad too static maybe..
>> but freaking close.. And apart from the physics...the cars
>> actually look like they're on the road...instead of floating
>> above it.. Great graphics engine... sheeesshh...awesome really