a realistic simulator is true -- either that, or you simply like
sniping. I recognize your names from other posts, but I've never
really communicated with you directly, and I never pegged you as one
of "those" types. Pity I misjudged you.
Try this as an altenative to my original responses:
Bite me, fan-boy.
-- JB
P.S. Kiss my opinion.
On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 01:30:40 +0100, "Douglas Ellison"
>OK - want me to be genuinely critical of your article...
>-Thanks for the 1,342 word essay about your fantasy as a formula one
>driver - surely suitable for a high school essay - not an impartial review
>of a forth coming title.
>-Screenshots as GIF's. Why not JPG's
>- "PC-based titles that featured intricate physics modeling and advanced 3D
>accelerated graphics - titles like F1 2000, Grand Prix 3, and F1 Racing
>Championship. " - I wouldnt consider any of these to model physics
>intricately - and of those 2 - one certainly did not feature advanced 3D
>- "A higher frequency physics engine allows you to do more sophisticated
>calculations" - Incorrect - it merely gives you the platform to run those
>calculations more frequently.
>- "*** F1 fans will be delighted that details like this ( launch
>control ) have indeed been included" - I can not think of a single ***
>F1 fan who welcomed Launch controll into the world of F1 - let alone into
>game titles simulating it.
>- "sustaining a four-wheel drift in the same manner you can with F1 2001.
>" - A worrying feature - as this is a very rare sight in modern Formula One.
>If you can 4 wheel drift in F1 2001 like you can in GPL (as you suggest)
>then there is clearly something fundamentally wrong with the variables they
>have placed into their physics engine.
>- "Dynamic weather is also included, allowing you to choose from random,
>season 2001" - the title is to be released before the last race of the
>season - how do they intend to predict the weather?
>- "and my personal best there would have put me ahead of Schumacher's pole
>speed for the 2000 race" - in which title?
>- "I am struggling to turn in lap times below the 1:29 mark" - Rather
>worrying this. Michael Schumachers pole time was more than 10 seconds
>faster than this - a 1:18.201. You time leaves you some 6 seconds adrift of
>the 107% rule. Clearly some fundamental innacuracies in either the track or
>the physics if you find it hard to get even within a mile of the right sort
>of lap times - let alone the right ball park.
>-"I found myself thinking how much I enjoyed the smells after a good rain --
>then I found myself inhaling deeply in order to take in the clean, cool
>smells around me " - That's just plain ODD.
>- "Some track layouts seem similar to their F1CS2K counterparts" - this is
>appauling news as there were fundamental and chronic errors in the modelling
>of nearly all the tracks for F1CS2K - which lead me to believe that not a
>single developer or tester of the title could ever have visited or watched
>an in car lap of these tracks.
>- "When it comes to sounds, I'm pretty much tone deaf, so I'm no authority
>on audio quality. " - Thanks for then giving us nigh on 400 words on your
>opinions of the sound then.
>- "I have every faith in ISI/EA, though" - on what basis - their appauling
>F12000 title - or perhaps the part bug fix that was later released as a full
>-"The Driving School mode now includes more tests at more tracks, and the
>tests I have tried seem more like real F1 driver's tests. " - WHAT ARE you
>going on about. No F1 driver has to pass some artificial tests in the real
>world - so quite what the tests are supposed to be more like - god onlu
>Now granted - you only had a Beta to play with - and you mention features
>that are missing / not implemented etc - but that only goes to show how
>desperate EA are to have this title promoted as early as possible by handing
>out immature code. Similarly - with the release date a little over 2 weeks
>away - it's worrying to hear you mention all of the following as being
>missing - or have elements missing from your beta copy.
>- Force Feedback (good god - thats rather worrying - clearly there can be
>little or no time to test this feature once it's introduced before going to
>press - a rushed job - like F12000 was)
>- the AI is only fully-implemented for Magny-Cours and Catalunya. - So only
>14 more tracks to write the AI for. One a day - including comprehensive
>full race distance testing. That'll be top quality stuff then.
>- missing tracks and incomplete AI in my test version, - There are still
>TRACKS to complete. Fantastic time line they've kept to - clearly the last -
>and most important phase of development - will have to be rushed - this much
>is obvious.
>Your article makes not one single criticism of any element of the title. So
>are we to believe it to be perfect? Surely you have some criticism to make?
>The fact that you wax lyrical about this all encompassingly perfect title
>using what is evidently immature and VERY much Beta code to me is not the
>sort of article one should expect for an impartial preview.