F1 2001 Preview by John Bodin

John Bod

F1 2001 Preview by John Bodin

by John Bod » Fri, 14 Sep 2001 12:17:27

Apparently DGF's comments about you believing that only Papy can make
a realistic simulator is true -- either that, or you simply like
sniping.  I recognize your names from other posts, but I've never
really communicated with you directly, and I never pegged you as one
of "those" types.  Pity I misjudged you.

Try this as an altenative to my original responses:

Bite me, fan-boy.

-- JB

P.S.  Kiss my opinion.

On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 01:30:40 +0100, "Douglas Ellison"

>OK - want me to be genuinely critical of your article...

>-Thanks for the 1,342 word essay about your fantasy as a formula one
>driver - surely suitable for a high school essay - not an impartial review
>of a forth coming title.
>-Screenshots as GIF's.  Why not JPG's

>- "PC-based titles that featured intricate physics modeling and advanced 3D
>accelerated graphics - titles like F1 2000, Grand Prix 3, and F1 Racing
>Championship. "  - I wouldnt consider any of these to model physics
>intricately - and of those 2 - one certainly did not feature advanced 3D

>- "A higher frequency physics engine allows you to do more sophisticated
>calculations" - Incorrect - it merely gives you the platform to run those
>calculations more frequently.

>- "*** F1 fans will be delighted that details like this ( launch
>control ) have indeed been included" - I can not think of a single ***
>F1 fan who welcomed Launch controll into the world of F1 - let alone into
>game titles simulating it.

>- "sustaining a four-wheel drift in the same manner you can with F1 2001.
>" - A worrying feature - as this is a very rare sight in modern Formula One.
>If you can 4 wheel drift in F1 2001 like you can in GPL (as you suggest)
>then there is clearly something fundamentally wrong with the variables they
>have placed into their physics engine.

>- "Dynamic weather is also included, allowing you to choose from random,
>season 2001" - the title is to be released before the last race of the
>season - how do they intend to predict the weather?

>- "and my personal best there would have put me ahead of Schumacher's pole
>speed for the 2000 race" - in which title?

>- "I am struggling to turn in lap times below the 1:29 mark" - Rather
>worrying this.  Michael Schumachers pole time was more than 10 seconds
>faster than this - a 1:18.201.  You time leaves you some 6 seconds adrift of
>the 107% rule.  Clearly some fundamental innacuracies in either the track or
>the physics if you find it hard to get even within a mile of the right sort
>of lap times - let alone the right ball park.

>-"I found myself thinking how much I enjoyed the smells after a good rain --
>then I found myself inhaling deeply in order to take in the clean, cool
>smells around me " - That's just plain ODD.

>- "Some track layouts seem similar to their F1CS2K counterparts" - this is
>appauling news as there were fundamental and chronic errors in the modelling
>of nearly all the tracks for F1CS2K - which lead me to believe that not a
>single developer or tester of the title could ever have visited or watched
>an in car lap of these tracks.

>- "When it comes to sounds, I'm pretty much tone deaf, so I'm no authority
>on audio quality. " - Thanks for then giving us nigh on 400 words on your
>opinions of the sound then.

>- "I have every faith in ISI/EA, though" - on what basis - their appauling
>F12000 title - or perhaps the part bug fix that was later released as a full

>-"The Driving School mode now includes more tests at more tracks, and the
>tests I have tried seem more like real F1 driver's tests. " - WHAT ARE you
>going on about. No F1 driver has to pass some artificial tests in the real
>world - so quite what the tests are supposed to be more like - god onlu

>Now granted - you only had a Beta to play with - and you mention features
>that are missing / not implemented etc - but that only goes to show how
>desperate EA are to have this title promoted as early as possible by handing
>out immature code.  Similarly - with the release date a little over 2 weeks
>away - it's worrying to hear you mention all of the following as being
>missing - or have elements missing from your beta copy.

>- Force Feedback  (good god - thats rather worrying - clearly there can be
>little or no time to test this feature once it's introduced before going to
>press - a rushed job - like F12000 was)

>- the AI is only fully-implemented for Magny-Cours and Catalunya. - So only
>14 more tracks to write the AI for.  One a day - including comprehensive
>full race distance testing.  That'll be top quality stuff then.

>- missing tracks and incomplete AI in my test version, - There are still
>TRACKS to complete. Fantastic time line they've kept to - clearly the last -
>and most important phase of development - will have to be rushed - this much
>is obvious.

>Your article makes not one single criticism of any element of the title. So
>are we to believe it to be perfect?  Surely you have some criticism to make?
>The fact that you wax lyrical about this all encompassingly perfect title
>using what is evidently immature and VERY much Beta code to me is not the
>sort of article one should expect for an impartial preview.


John Bod

F1 2001 Preview by John Bodin

by John Bod » Fri, 14 Sep 2001 12:25:35

FWIW, this was NOT a "review" -- it was a "PREVIEW," intended to give
people a detailed, advanced look at what F1 2001 will contain.

How can one be critical of what is OBVIOUSLY an early, unifinished
beta?  I received an early beta copy just recently -- complete with
the official EA CD keys, just like their paid beta testers receive --
AFTER the REAL beta testers had moved on to a more complete version.

Given what I had to work with, my goal was to give interested parties
an idea of what the final product should be like based on what I could
see -- I saw no point in dissecting or lambasting an unfinished
product for its failings, most (all?) of which may have already been

What I saw was good.  The AI was incomplete, and all the tracks
weren't present -- I said this up-front, and somehow this counts as

It's a strange world in which we live.


-- JB

On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 22:06:11 -0400, Razorback

><snip a lot of poo>

>>Your article makes not one single criticism of any element of the title. So
>>are we to believe it to be perfect?  Surely you have some criticism to make?
>>The fact that you wax lyrical about this all encompassingly perfect title
>>using what is evidently immature and VERY much Beta code to me is not the
>>sort of article one should expect for an impartial preview.


>Who ever said columnist are impartial?  You are thinking of
>journalist.  Reviewers are not supposed to be impartial.


Steve Blankenshi

F1 2001 Preview by John Bodin

by Steve Blankenshi » Fri, 14 Sep 2001 13:47:11

Jeez, what a s**t storm over a game preview!  Is there just not enough acrimony in the world of late so that we need to add to it
here in our little corner?  Let's all lighten up a bit, eh?

Anyway - thanks for the peek, JB - one of the few pleasant reads I've had today, and I look forward to the release.  Obviously the
final will tell the tale, and if it doesn't make the cut, back to EB it will go, as did F12K, F1CS, and GP3.  No harm, no foul,
better luck next time.  What's odd for me about the EA series is that I really enjoyed SCGT, but had no use for either of ISI's F1
derivatives.  Hope this one alters that.  Couldn't tell enough about F1RC from the demo to bother importing it.  Plus the earlier
UBI F1 jobs were shite for this guy.  Not for everyone obviously, but for me.  Good to hear the four tires "talk" to you in F12001 -
communication of what's happening at the contact patches when you're on the limit is to me what sets GPL apart from the rest in it's
driving experience.  And that feel transcends era or vehicle.

But what I really wanna know is - how's it compare to the latest version of the Heat champcar in being edgy?  That sucker will bite
you in the arse in a second and all you can think is "I knew I was a bit hot" as you go spiraling into the weeds.  Monster speed,
brakes, and grip with zippo for reaction time, but you "always" know why you lost it.  Not perfect yet, but doing 45's around
Aardvark Park is pretty damn intense.  Fun to watch the stiff chassis barely carry the locked inside front through the fall-away T3
as you short shift and ease into the throttle.  Straighten the wheel as the corner eases and "chirp", a whiff of smoke and the
tire's spinning again.  Lovely.

Hang in there,


John Bod

F1 2001 Preview by John Bodin

by John Bod » Fri, 14 Sep 2001 14:01:46

On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 04:47:11 GMT, "Steve Blankenship"

>Jeez, what a s**t storm over a game preview!  Is there just not enough acrimony in the world of late so that we need to add to it
>here in our little corner?  Let's all lighten up a bit, eh?

>Anyway - thanks for the peek, JB - one of the few pleasant reads I've had today, and I look forward to the release.  Obviously the
>final will tell the tale, and if it doesn't make the cut, back to EB it will go, as did F12K, F1CS, and GP3.  No harm, no foul,
>better luck next time.  What's odd for me about the EA series is that I really enjoyed SCGT, but had no use for either of ISI's F1
>derivatives.  Hope this one alters that.  Couldn't tell enough about F1RC from the demo to bother importing it.  Plus the earlier
>UBI F1 jobs were shite for this guy.  Not for everyone obviously, but for me.  Good to hear the four tires "talk" to you in F12001 -
>communication of what's happening at the contact patches when you're on the limit is to me what sets GPL apart from the rest in it's
>driving experience.  And that feel transcends era or vehicle.

>But what I really wanna know is - how's it compare to the latest version of the Heat champcar in being edgy?  That sucker will bite
>you in the arse in a second and all you can think is "I knew I was a bit hot" as you go spiraling into the weeds.  Monster speed,
>brakes, and grip with zippo for reaction time, but you "always" know why you lost it.  Not perfect yet, but doing 45's around
>Aardvark Park is pretty damn intense.  Fun to watch the stiff chassis barely carry the locked inside front through the fall-away T3
>as you short shift and ease into the throttle.  Straighten the wheel as the corner eases and "chirp", a whiff of smoke and the
>tire's spinning again.  Lovely.

You could have just described F1 2001, Steve -- it's VERY similar to
what you've described here, and when it bites you, you know WHY you
were bit.  


- Show quoted text -

Thom j

F1 2001 Preview by John Bodin

by Thom j » Fri, 14 Sep 2001 14:02:30

Well I found the preview easy to read but the beat was a bit slow
& it was hard to dance to, so I'll give it a 90***.. :)

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John Bod

F1 2001 Preview by John Bodin

by John Bod » Fri, 14 Sep 2001 14:28:52

Okay, I am an @$$#0|& and THIS post was obviously uncalled for.  

Let me start out by saying that I am truly sorry for this post.  You
did not deserve such a response, Doug.

I would also like to say that I knew up-front that I had been provided
with a lame, early version of the F1 2001 source code.  I tried to
convey this clearly going into the preview by stating that what I have
is an early beta version.   It's not close to the finished product in
many ways, but even so, there's enough there to see that there's some
good stuff going on with this title already, especially in terms of
the physics engine.  

I wrote the preview to basically describe what people can expect in
the next big modern F1 sim that will hit the shelves.  In many ways, I
feel that F1 2001 combines most of the best attributes from F1CS2K,
F1RC, and GP3.  EA and ISI have done their homework.

As for criticism, there's not much to criticize about F1 2001 at this
point.  There are tracks missing in my version -- I stated that
clearly.  The AI isn't finalized -- I also stated that clearly.  The
sounds aren't finalized, apparently, but what's there seems to be
unique and it works well -- and I stated this clearly.  Force Feedbck
is not implemented in the version that I have -- and I said this
up-front.  There are a LOT of diehard F1 fans on the High Gear forums
who want to know things like whether or not traction control is
implemented because they CARE about that detail from a standpoint of
realism -- and I mentioned that point specifically to address some of
these concerns.  The physics ARE finalized, and they feel very, VERY
good -- even compared to GPL (check out my GPLRank if you'd like --
I'm a hack, and your handicap is MUCH better than mine, but Mexico is
my favorite track and I'm currently faster than you are there).  

As far as the F1 2001 preview goes, though, I put a lot of effort into
making this preview a good advanced look at some of the things that
people can expect to see in the final version of F1 2001.  You want
criticism about the final product?  Wait until I get my hands on that,
then, and I'll do my best to give it a fair shake on all counts -- and
to also point out whatever warts it may have.  Until then, I can't
criticize an unfinished product that I'm honestly fairly impressed

At any rate, I spent the evening watching television and getting more
and more steamed and depressed about the whole tragic affair in New
York and Washington, so I decided to log on to the 'net for a little
diversion.  When I saw your post, your response really rubbed me the
wrong way, especially given the mood I was in, but my response was
unwarranted.  Please accept my heartfelt apology for that.  

I'm also sorry you apparently did not find my preview of F1 2001 to be
either enjoyable or informative, but I'm more sorry that our
difference of opinion on that led to such an inappropriate display of
displeasure on my part.

There is enough disagreement and difficulty in the world.  Racing
simulations are games, intended first and foremost to be entertainment
vehicles.  I am sorry most of all for letting something that should be
entertaining become something that is anything but.


I am also sorry that there is not an appropriate emoticon to convey
shame for one's actions -- I would most certainly use it here and now.

Peace be with you, Doug.

-- JB

On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 03:17:27 GMT, (John Bodin)

>Apparently DGF's comments about you believing that only Papy can make
>a realistic simulator is true -- either that, or you simply like
>sniping.  I recognize your names from other posts, but I've never
>really communicated with you directly, and I never pegged you as one
>of "those" types.  Pity I misjudged you.

>Try this as an altenative to my original responses:

>Bite me, fan-boy.

>-- JB

>P.S.  Kiss my opinion.

>On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 01:30:40 +0100, "Douglas Ellison"
><> wrote:

>>OK - want me to be genuinely critical of your article...

>>-Thanks for the 1,342 word essay about your fantasy as a formula one
>>driver - surely suitable for a high school essay - not an impartial review
>>of a forth coming title.

>>-Screenshots as GIF's.  Why not JPG's

>>- "PC-based titles that featured intricate physics modeling and advanced 3D
>>accelerated graphics - titles like F1 2000, Grand Prix 3, and F1 Racing
>>Championship. "  - I wouldnt consider any of these to model physics
>>intricately - and of those 2 - one certainly did not feature advanced 3D

>>- "A higher frequency physics engine allows you to do more sophisticated
>>calculations" - Incorrect - it merely gives you the platform to run those
>>calculations more frequently.

>>- "hardcore F1 fans will be delighted that details like this ( launch
>>control ) have indeed been included" - I can not think of a single hardcore
>>F1 fan who welcomed Launch controll into the world of F1 - let alone into
>>game titles simulating it.

>>- "sustaining a four-wheel drift in the same manner you can with F1 2001.
>>" - A worrying feature - as this is a very rare sight in modern Formula One.
>>If you can 4 wheel drift in F1 2001 like you can in GPL (as you suggest)
>>then there is clearly something fundamentally wrong with the variables they
>>have placed into their physics engine.

>>- "Dynamic weather is also included, allowing you to choose from random,
>>season 2001" - the title is to be released before the last race of the
>>season - how do they intend to predict the weather?

>>- "and my personal best there would have put me ahead of Schumacher's pole
>>speed for the 2000 race" - in which title?

>>- "I am struggling to turn in lap times below the 1:29 mark" - Rather
>>worrying this.  Michael Schumachers pole time was more than 10 seconds
>>faster than this - a 1:18.201.  You time leaves you some 6 seconds adrift of
>>the 107% rule.  Clearly some fundamental innacuracies in either the track or
>>the physics if you find it hard to get even within a mile of the right sort
>>of lap times - let alone the right ball park.

>>-"I found myself thinking how much I enjoyed the smells after a good rain --
>>then I found myself inhaling deeply in order to take in the clean, cool
>>smells around me " - That's just plain ODD.

>>- "Some track layouts seem similar to their F1CS2K counterparts" - this is
>>appauling news as there were fundamental and chronic errors in the modelling
>>of nearly all the tracks for F1CS2K - which lead me to believe that not a
>>single developer or tester of the title could ever have visited or watched
>>an in car lap of these tracks.

>>- "When it comes to sounds, I'm pretty much tone deaf, so I'm no authority
>>on audio quality. " - Thanks for then giving us nigh on 400 words on your
>>opinions of the sound then.

>>- "I have every faith in ISI/EA, though" - on what basis - their appauling
>>F12000 title - or perhaps the part bug fix that was later released as a full

>>-"The Driving School mode now includes more tests at more tracks, and the
>>tests I have tried seem more like real F1 driver's tests. " - WHAT ARE you
>>going on about. No F1 driver has to pass some artificial tests in the real
>>world - so quite what the tests are supposed to be more like - god onlu

>>Now granted - you only had a Beta to play with - and you mention features
>>that are missing / not implemented etc - but that only goes to show how
>>desperate EA are to have this title promoted as early as possible by handing
>>out immature code.  Similarly - with the release date a little over 2 weeks
>>away - it's worrying to hear you mention all of the following as being
>>missing - or have elements missing from your beta copy.

>>- Force Feedback  (good god - thats rather worrying - clearly there can be
>>little or no time to test this feature once it's introduced before going to
>>press - a rushed job - like F12000 was)

>>- the AI is only fully-implemented for Magny-Cours and Catalunya. - So only
>>14 more tracks to write the AI for.  One a day - including comprehensive
>>full race distance testing.  That'll be top quality stuff then.

>>- missing tracks and incomplete AI in my test version, - There are still
>>TRACKS to complete. Fantastic time line they've kept to - clearly the last -
>>and most important phase of development - will have to be rushed - this much
>>is obvious.

>>Your article makes not one single criticism of any element of the title. So
>>are we to believe it to be perfect?  Surely you have some criticism to make?
>>The fact that you wax lyrical about this all encompassingly perfect title
>>using what is evidently immature and VERY much Beta code to me is not the
>>sort of article one should expect for an impartial preview.


Mike Blackmor

F1 2001 Preview by John Bodin

by Mike Blackmor » Fri, 14 Sep 2001 16:50:57

Thanks John, The only question I have is over the graphics F1RC has
spoiled me somewhat, pity about the AI though!

Regards Mike

 On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 08:22:02 GMT, "Ali Ismet Ozkan"


>Thanks John, great work !


F1 2001 Preview by John Bodin

by Razorbac » Fri, 14 Sep 2001 23:05:52

You are preaching to the converted. :)  As a quasi columnist I have
been accused of lacking journalistic integrity... something only a
JOURNALIST should pretend to have. :)

Funny... I initially wrote "hey moron this was a preview not a review"
but decided to go with the less abrasive comments I eventually posted.


Steve Blankenshi

F1 2001 Preview by John Bodin

by Steve Blankenshi » Sat, 15 Sep 2001 00:05:34

Glad to hear that, JB -

And for anyone worried that driving modern cars will be boring compared to GPL's funmobiles, you can stop worrying NOW.  Online will
be a challenge though, (just as it is in real life) as reaction times are severely compressed relative to the older, slower,
wingless cars.  Just hitting your turn-in point consistently is a challenge; traffic will be.....special!

I suspect we'll soon see who's got the reflexes for 21st century simracing.   ;-)


> You could have just described F1 2001, Steve -- it's VERY similar to
> what you've described here, and when it bites you, you know WHY you
> were bit.

Douglas Elliso

F1 2001 Preview by John Bodin

by Douglas Elliso » Sat, 15 Sep 2001 00:02:33

I think we were both suffering from excessive agression bottled up about
recent events.

In hindsight- quite a good preview actually - was in interface as bloated
and clunky as 2K and CS2K?

Thoughts with those involved


John Bod

F1 2001 Preview by John Bodin

by John Bod » Sat, 15 Sep 2001 02:39:42

On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 16:02:33 +0100, "Douglas Ellison"

>> There is enough disagreement and difficulty in the world.  Racing
>> simulations are games, intended first and foremost to be entertainment
>> vehicles.  I am sorry most of all for letting something that should be
>> entertaining become something that is anything but.

>> :-(

>> I am also sorry that there is not an appropriate emoticon to convey
>> shame for one's actions -- I would most certainly use it here and now.

>> Peace be with you, Doug.

>> -- JB

>I think we were both suffering from excessive agression bottled up about
>recent events.

>In hindsight- quite a good preview actually - was in interface as bloated
>and clunky as 2K and CS2K?

>Thoughts with those involved


Thanks for being so understanding, Doug, and, again, my apologies.

I did neglect to address the game interface -- an oversight on my
part, unfortunately.  The overall "look and feel" of the menu system
is similar to previous offerings from ISI, so it might be safe to say
that it's suffering from some of the same issues as 2K and CS2K, with
some slight improvements.  IMO, though, I can find SOME shortcomings
with EVERYONE's menu system, be it Papy, MGI, Ubisoft, Microprose, or
ISI, so I just usually learn how to wade through the dodgy parts in
order to get to the racing part.  Overall, all the different
variations of menu systems "work," but some are less intuitive than
others.  I've been playing F1CS2K for so long the menus in F1 2001
seemed nicely intuitive, but if you're not a long-time fan of ISI
sims, then you're probably going to feel differently about the design.

Aside from the menus, one good point I failed to address:  There are
more setup options than in 2K and CS2K, indicating a more
sophisticated physics engine underneath.  The car physics files are
also MUCH more detailed than they were in 2K and CS2K, further
indicating more sophisticated physics modeling.  

A bad point to go with the new setup options:  Setups from 2K and CS2K
will NOT work with F1 2001 . . . yet another reason why I've been so
slow, I think (all my good setups from the previous ISI titles are
useless in F1 2001, so I've been forced to start from scratch, and I'm
no crew chief).

I also failed to mention the new "Instant Replay" feature, which lets
you access an instant replay function during a race using a
"Ctrl-Alt-R" keystroke -- you set the amount of instant replay time in
the main menu, then during a race, you can instantly call up an
instant replay on the fly; after the replay, you're returned to the
***pit and can continue from there.  Nice touch, IMO -- preferrably
something to be used while sitting in a sand trap after an "off,"


My gut feeling as a physics phreak (and a GPL fan) is that in lieu of
a modern F1 sim from Papy, F1 2001 may be the best modern F1 sim yet.

The graphics engine is also very, VERY good in terms of frame rate,
and this is one area where 2K and CS2K were very weak, so that's a
VERY good thing.

Hope this helps fill in some of the blanks to some degree.  Sorry I
didn't address all this stuff originally.

Take care!

-- JB

Dave Henri

F1 2001 Preview by John Bodin

by Dave Henri » Sat, 15 Sep 2001 08:43:51

  Here is a question for you John.  Has ISI finally come up with a way to
limit my viewable setups to ONLY those I have for each indivual track?  Why
I have to sort through dozens of spa/monza/hock/etc setups just to find the
3 or 4 I have for Spain eludes me.
dave henrie

> On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 16:02:33 +0100, "Douglas Ellison"

> >> There is enough disagreement and difficulty in the world.  Racing
> >> simulations are games, intended first and foremost to be entertainment
> >> vehicles.  I am sorry most of all for letting something that should be
> >> entertaining become something that is anything but.

> >> :-(

> >> I am also sorry that there is not an appropriate emoticon to convey
> >> shame for one's actions -- I would most certainly use it here and now.

> >> Peace be with you, Doug.

> >> -- JB

> >I think we were both suffering from excessive agression bottled up about
> >recent events.

> >In hindsight- quite a good preview actually - was in interface as bloated
> >and clunky as 2K and CS2K?

> >Thoughts with those involved

> >Doug

> Thanks for being so understanding, Doug, and, again, my apologies.

> I did neglect to address the game interface -- an oversight on my
> part, unfortunately.  The overall "look and feel" of the menu system
> is similar to previous offerings from ISI, so it might be safe to say
> that it's suffering from some of the same issues as 2K and CS2K, with
> some slight improvements.  IMO, though, I can find SOME shortcomings
> with EVERYONE's menu system, be it Papy, MGI, Ubisoft, Microprose, or
> ISI, so I just usually learn how to wade through the dodgy parts in
> order to get to the racing part.  Overall, all the different
> variations of menu systems "work," but some are less intuitive than
> others.  I've been playing F1CS2K for so long the menus in F1 2001
> seemed nicely intuitive, but if you're not a long-time fan of ISI
> sims, then you're probably going to feel differently about the design.

> Aside from the menus, one good point I failed to address:  There are
> more setup options than in 2K and CS2K, indicating a more
> sophisticated physics engine underneath.  The car physics files are
> also MUCH more detailed than they were in 2K and CS2K, further
> indicating more sophisticated physics modeling.

> A bad point to go with the new setup options:  Setups from 2K and CS2K
> will NOT work with F1 2001 . . . yet another reason why I've been so
> slow, I think (all my good setups from the previous ISI titles are
> useless in F1 2001, so I've been forced to start from scratch, and I'm
> no crew chief).

> I also failed to mention the new "Instant Replay" feature, which lets
> you access an instant replay function during a race using a
> "Ctrl-Alt-R" keystroke -- you set the amount of instant replay time in
> the main menu, then during a race, you can instantly call up an
> instant replay on the fly; after the replay, you're returned to the
>***pit and can continue from there.  Nice touch, IMO -- preferrably
> something to be used while sitting in a sand trap after an "off,"
> though.

> ;-)

> My gut feeling as a physics phreak (and a GPL fan) is that in lieu of
> a modern F1 sim from Papy, F1 2001 may be the best modern F1 sim yet.

> The graphics engine is also very, VERY good in terms of frame rate,
> and this is one area where 2K and CS2K were very weak, so that's a
> VERY good thing.

> Hope this helps fill in some of the blanks to some degree.  Sorry I
> didn't address all this stuff originally.

> Take care!

> -- JB

Jesse Blac

F1 2001 Preview by John Bodin

by Jesse Blac » Sat, 15 Sep 2001 10:49:48

John, why don't you notify him of the lack of space between his ears.  That
insult still works.


> You're 100% right, Doug -- yes, F1 2001 is actually a steaming piece
> of $#!+, but even so, I like it every bit as much as my two favorite
> sims of all time -- Test Drive 6 and Swamp Buggy Racing.  I commend
> you for exposing me for what I truly am . . . a know-nothing
> butt-kisser willing to suck up for the sake of a quick freebie.

> While we're at it, allow me to make your job easier by pointing out
> yet another example of my shameless butt-kissing antics, further
> illustrating my overall lack of knowledge and discernment, and further
> proving that that that sim racing fans are just wasting their time
> when they read my butt-kissing musings:


> sure you already knew that.  I post mine in long form, but you are
> apparently gifted with a greater brevity.  Aside from that -- and my
> obvious butt-kissing tendencies -- we seem to be a lot alike.

> I will be scheduling my lobotomy tomorrow.

> Thankfully, that probably won't impact the quality of my reviews . . .

> >:-[

> Hmm . . . now that I've been exposed as the butt-kisser that I am, I
> might as well s***the preview of Rally Trophy that I'm working on.

> So much for my bid to become the next Randy Magruder of racing sim
> reviews.

> :-/

> -- JB

> On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 20:29:37 +0100, "Douglas Ellison"

> >> On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 08:22:02 GMT, "Ali Ismet Ozkan"

> >> >

> >> >Thanks John, great work !

> >> "The level of intensity that I experienced during the qualifying
> >> session above was demanding in a way that is seldom seen in a PC-based
> >> simulation. Based on what I've seen so far, F1 2001 may be perhaps the
> >> most realistic, intricate, and immersive racing game ever."

> >> Looking promising :))

> >IMHO it looks like someone kissing ***because they got an early Beta

> >Doug

Ben Colema

F1 2001 Preview by John Bodin

by Ben Colema » Sat, 15 Sep 2001 01:24:57

>  Here is a question for you John.  Has ISI finally come up with a way to
>limit my viewable setups to ONLY those I have for each indivual track?  Why
>I have to sort through dozens of spa/monza/hock/etc setups just to find the
>3 or 4 I have for Spain eludes me.
>dave henrie

The flipside to this is that in a system like GPL where you must copy the
setup from another track, your setups are not updated when the original of
that setup is changed.  This can be an inconvenience if you want to try your
latest setup from one track on a different one.  I seem to end up with
several versions of each setup in each folder.  Granted, it's a housekeeping
issue more than anything else and is also probably more applicable to GPL
than modern F1 since my setups in GPL are very similar for each track.


Ali Ismet Ozka

F1 2001 Preview by John Bodin

by Ali Ismet Ozka » Sat, 15 Sep 2001 15:11:45

Agreed. The setup browser also needs a sort function. The setups seem to be
randomly ordered. :( is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.