> :-)
> > > lol (fags means something else in american)
> > > > German fags
> :-)
> > > lol (fags means something else in american)
> > > > German fags
> > I believe it's a cigarette company. Notice that the paint jobs are
> different in countries that
> > prohibit tobacco sponsorship. This week in France, the Mclaren cars
> "Mika" & " David" in place
> > of the West sponsorhip. Hope this helps.
> Jordans are "Buzzing Hornets" instead of Bensons & Hedges in the no-fag
> races.
> Marlboro are usually |..||... or some daft lines or other.
> cheers
> John
I HATE to see a German come over here and say they're sucking on a fag. The
LEAST you'd get is a really hard stare like you're crazy!
>> I believe it's a cigarette company. Notice that the paint jobs are
>different in countries that
>> prohibit tobacco sponsorship. This week in France, the Mclaren cars carry
>"Mika" & " David" in place
>> of the West sponsorhip. Hope this helps.
>Jordans are "Buzzing Hornets" instead of Bensons & Hedges in the no-fag
Now, does France prohibit beer advertising also? I noticed that the
site of the Jags say "Best's" instead of "Beck's".
>Further on the subject of sponsorship ....
>A couple of seasoms ago, DEKRA used to sponsor anything that moved.
>I know its german but what is DEKRA and/or what does it do/sell?
DEKRA - services for Europe DEKRA is a European-wide active entrepreneurial group. Under the roof of the DEKRA
registered association - 1925 in Berlin based - today 40 subsidiaries and participation for more security and quality of
humans in handling technique, environment and mobility operate. These societies are tied up pre***ly to the DEKRA
AG. It is responsible for the strategic adjustment of the enterprises of the DEKRA group. This offers the following
services: Vehicle checks: In the countries of the EU as well as in states of central and Eastern Europe approximately 16
million passenger car, for their regularity, are annually checked truck and two-wheelers executed exhaust investigations
and examined design modifications. Thus DEKRA is the number one with vehicle checks in Europe. The daughter and
participation enterprises of the DEKRA group co-operate with more than 2,000 partnerpartner partners, which maintain a
engmaschiges network of inspection stations. In Germany the DEKRA is automobile GmbH of competent partners for vehicle
checks. In 82 addresses, 106 branch offices, 110 stations, 60 Kfz inspection stations and in more than 33,000 workshop
bases are executed annually about 8 million Kfz checks. Appraisal: DEKRA experts annually create approximately 850,000
damage appraisals for brisk handling drivers as well as vehicle evaluations damaged by accident damages in the interest
of (European-wide one million appraisal). With modern software solutions like the Internet-supported DEKRA damage
network (DSN) succeeded an optimization to communication between at the Kfz Schadenabwicklung parties taken part. The
innovative system permits substantial time -, to expenditure and cost savings. Legal opinions and analyses on accidents
offer exact bases for the legal evaluation of accidents and are an important instrument of the preservation of evidence.
With the DEKRA seals receive a neutral, reliable predicate to used car buyer for the quality of the offered vehicles.
Damage adjustment: European-wide participation enterprises of the DEKRA group are active on behalf of insurance in the
areas damage determination and damage adjustment. Focal tasks are Kfz liability (green card), Kfz Kasko, general
liability as well as damages to property. Enterprise care: However in the Federal Republic of Germany the DEKRA cares
for automobile GmbH more as 40,000 vehicle parks with approximately 700,000 commercially used vehicles than members of
the DEKRA registered association in all questions of the economic and technical management. The check of
monitoring-needy technical systems is a further market segment. Consulting: Substantial Consultingschwerpunkte is apart
from the vehicle park and workshop consultation the introduction of management systems as well as the management and...
.... etc, pp. and so on.
Aah ....
I have been asking people this question for at least three years now.
Perhaps this explains why Schumacher(M) was daubed with it a few years
ago. Didn't he have to do so much public service after some road offense?
It would explain alot.
Hmm ... I wish people wouldn't be so vague. 8-)
Thankyou Thomas.
> Actually, I'm suckin' on a fag right now.....
> :-)