Further on the subject of sponsorship ....
A couple of seasoms ago, DEKRA used to sponsor anything that moved.
I know its german but what is DEKRA and/or what does it do/sell?
I believe it's a cigarette company. Notice that the paint jobs are different in countries that
prohibit tobacco sponsorship. This week in France, the Mclaren cars carry "Mika" & " David" in place
of the West sponsorhip. Hope this helps.
Ian P
<email invalid due to spammers>
> Further on the subject of sponsorship ....
> A couple of seasoms ago, DEKRA used to sponsor anything that moved.
> I know its german but what is DEKRA and/or what does it do/sell?
> --
> Mick
: I think it's the German road safety organisation.
Based on German words that are close to English I think you're right:
I think they sponsored Damon Hill in his F1 career.
> Further on the subject of sponsorship ....
> A couple of seasoms ago, DEKRA used to sponsor anything that moved.
> I know its german but what is DEKRA and/or what does it do/sell?
> --
> Mick
> lol (fags means something else in american)
> > German fags
"Hey, mate, can I borrow your ***?" ;)
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be restarted for the change
to take effect. Reboot now?
|\ _,,,---,,_ I want to die like my Grandfather,
ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ in his sleep.
|,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' Not like the people in his car,
'---''(_/--' `-'\_) screaming their heads off!
> > lol (fags means something else in american)
> > > German fags
different in countries that
"Mika" & " David" in place
Jordans are "Buzzing Hornets" instead of Bensons & Hedges in the no-fag
Marlboro are usually |..||... or some daft lines or other.
they make transistor radios? That's what my grandad called them anyway.
"How, hinny, Terry Wogan's on the wireless!"
mobile phones n comms etc :o)
| Actually, I'm suckin' on a fag right now.....
| :-)
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