TPTCC Leagues?


TPTCC Leagues?

by Pops » Thu, 20 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Are there any TPTCC Offline Leagues running for 2000?  All I can find on the
Pits site are Winter Leagues.


Jim "Pops" Tester

Dave Henri

TPTCC Leagues?

by Dave Henri » Thu, 20 Apr 2000 04:00:00

  We are in grey area where not much is happening.  The pits have a
rumour of a Nascar Legends based update for the tptcc, but I'm sure some
announcements will be comming along shortly.  Keep an eye out...and
practice, practice, practice.
dave henrie

> Are there any TPTCC Offline Leagues running for 2000?  All I can find on the
> Pits site are Winter Leagues.

> Thanks...

> Jim "Pops" Tester

The Black Cat =^..^

TPTCC Leagues?

by The Black Cat =^..^ » Thu, 20 Apr 2000 04:00:00

>Are there any TPTCC Offline Leagues running for 2000?  All I can find on the
>Pits site are Winter Leagues.

The league is on hiatus but will return with -- I imagine -- a package
for N3.  Also, there was a teaser of a note sent out to the NL mailing
list today about something coming up for road race fans with NASCAR
Legends.  I'm hoping it will be some sort of Trans Am package...
Martyn Danb

TPTCC Leagues?

by Martyn Danb » Fri, 21 Apr 2000 04:00:00

just a bunch of guys racin the tptcc conversions and whatever other
roadcourses we can lay our hands on for NL and N3


> >Are there any TPTCC Offline Leagues running for 2000?  All I can find on the
> >Pits site are Winter Leagues.

> The league is on hiatus but will return with -- I imagine -- a package
> for N3.  Also, there was a teaser of a note sent out to the NL mailing
> list today about something coming up for road race fans with NASCAR
> Legends.  I'm hoping it will be some sort of Trans Am package...

Michael Heymann

TPTCC Leagues?

by Michael Heymann » Sat, 22 Apr 2000 04:00:00

The new TPTCC 2000 season will be using NL and will feature three different
Trans-Am, Australian V8 and the new DTM. I don`t know which converted tracks
from GPL will be available, but I do hope there will be some of them in the
new calendar. We all hve to wait and see until there is an official
announcement from The Pits.

Michael Heymanns

> Are there any TPTCC Offline Leagues running for 2000?  All I can find on
> Pits site are Winter Leagues.

> Thanks...

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