> > "John Simmons" wrote...
> > > Nothing? Nobody wants to comment?
> > Well, what's there to say? -We wuz robbed, bud... ;-(
> > That said, I think I was a bit harsh on Colin at the time. Ok, he was
> > following a bit too close for online purposes, but from my replay it
> appears
> > as though he did make an effort to avoid the accident once he'd gotten
> > caught out by my braking point (which was exactly where I'd intended and,
> > IMO, had to be in order to make the pass on JLe). One of those racing
> deals.
> > In contrast, again: from my point of view, JayMo's involvements with you
> and
> > Brian appear more indicative of impatience/red mist driving.
> > BTW Brian, 't was me who you collected coming down off the wall, Eldred
> > passed unhindered. Not stopping the car and switching to roof cam before
> > coming down onto the racing line was a mistake, IMO. Then again...
> anything
> > that could be crumpled/messed up on my car, already was, so no big deal.
> > Jan.
> > =---
> Yes, (I'm Jaymo) B.Farmer, I got in the back of you. My fault. I tried,
> though, to change lines at the last minute. Yes I'm agressive, but that is
> certainly no excuse for getting in the back of someone. I do my best to stay
> clean and hold my line, and I make mistakes. John Simmons, I looked at the
> replay (as any of you can) and still state I held my line, and it is your
> responsiblity to be sure of being clear before coming down. This is a clear
> rule, and breaking it will result in a wreck. The replay (on my side) shows
> this was YOUR mistake John Simmons. I don't know what your side shows, or if
> you'll even read this post, but if it shows the same as my side, you are
> being very unfair.
which you were directly behind me for at least 10.
You knew you didn't have the room to pass clean, yet you pressed the
issue. You were overly aggressive considering the point we were at in
the race. I did not suddenly come down on you, and my spotter didn't
say anything about a car being low (I have the spotter turned on to
"full", too).
If you check the rest of the replay, you'll see that I freely gave room
to anyone that was under me, and I also backed off aon a couple of
passes to prevent problems, and am not one to close the door on people
that are clearly on my inside.
In my view, you were the one at fault. Just take it down a notch and
drive with a little more common sense.
DeMONS/1 for Nascar Racing 3 & Nascar Legends
DeMONS/2 for Nascar Racing 4 and 2002 Season (in development)
Redneck Techno-Biker & "programming deity"
Barbarian Diecast Collector (460+ cars and counting)
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