Dave Schwab's site the Aussie Toad http://users.wi.net/~schwabe/ has some
excellent and interesting things to say about setting up the Repco-Brabham
on his Chassis Tips page.
Alternatively you can go to http://gpl.gamesmania.com/fastlaps.htm and
download some replays and setups which you can study and tweak.
I have just raced with Sid Chapple's Eagle, and having been comprehensively
thrashed, I switched to the Eagle, and I find his setups suit me. For the
Lotus try Ian Lake's setups
Hope this helps.
>Has anyone written a comprehensive, step by step tutorial on how to
>set up a car in GPL and how each setting will effect the cars
>The setups that are out there are very good, but obviously the driving
>styles vary considerably and even the best setup for, say Allison,
>needs to be adjusted to my style.
>I thought I had a site with just such a tutorial, but can't find it..
>G. Patricks